
Saturday, July 27, 2013

chicken salad recipe

ok so y'all know I love food (clearly from the weight I still haven't lost...), and if you have read my blog through my pregnancy, you know I LOVE chicken salad. my friend erin shares my love and shared this recipe with me, which I in turn want to share with you. because it is soo easy and it is DELICIOUS. Like, I might not ever need to go to Josie's again. (just kidding) 

anyway- here it is ( i adapted a little bit).

Rotisserie Chicken Salad
1 rotisserie chicken (buy them precooked at Kroger or wherever)
1 onion, chopped
3/4 cup mayo
2 oz cream cheese
1 tbs lemon
2 tbs chicken broth (or drippings from bottom of packaging) 
celery salt to taste
dill (depending on how much you like dill, I used a lot of it) 
salt to taste
pepper to taste
*celery , diced, optional* 

pull the chicken off the bone and put in large bowl. (if you have kitchen aid mixer, I will give you a secret in a minute)
add onion (and or celery)
in separate bowl mix mayo, cream cheese, lemon and drippings (or broth). add mixture to chicken. add dill , salt, pepper, and celery salt. mix it all up, refrigerate. eat best chicken salad ever. 

NOW, if you have a kitchen aid mixer, let me introduce you to this handy little attachment. 
my mom told me it will shred up your chicken and philip and I looked at it and were like 'no way' .but it did!!! the first time I made this I bought my own chicken breasts, cooked them and shredded them. and it was good, but not as good as the rotisserie chicken. 
asleep at the dinner table. she ate her carrots and was out. 

I hope you all make this and enjoy it!

oh, and if you dont follow me on instagram...

1 comment:

  1. Love my kitchen aid and love that this tools shreds things...crazy right? Enjoy


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