
Saturday, July 27, 2013

chicken salad recipe

ok so y'all know I love food (clearly from the weight I still haven't lost...), and if you have read my blog through my pregnancy, you know I LOVE chicken salad. my friend erin shares my love and shared this recipe with me, which I in turn want to share with you. because it is soo easy and it is DELICIOUS. Like, I might not ever need to go to Josie's again. (just kidding) 

anyway- here it is ( i adapted a little bit).

Rotisserie Chicken Salad
1 rotisserie chicken (buy them precooked at Kroger or wherever)
1 onion, chopped
3/4 cup mayo
2 oz cream cheese
1 tbs lemon
2 tbs chicken broth (or drippings from bottom of packaging) 
celery salt to taste
dill (depending on how much you like dill, I used a lot of it) 
salt to taste
pepper to taste
*celery , diced, optional* 

pull the chicken off the bone and put in large bowl. (if you have kitchen aid mixer, I will give you a secret in a minute)
add onion (and or celery)
in separate bowl mix mayo, cream cheese, lemon and drippings (or broth). add mixture to chicken. add dill , salt, pepper, and celery salt. mix it all up, refrigerate. eat best chicken salad ever. 

NOW, if you have a kitchen aid mixer, let me introduce you to this handy little attachment. 
my mom told me it will shred up your chicken and philip and I looked at it and were like 'no way' .but it did!!! the first time I made this I bought my own chicken breasts, cooked them and shredded them. and it was good, but not as good as the rotisserie chicken. 
asleep at the dinner table. she ate her carrots and was out. 

I hope you all make this and enjoy it!

oh, and if you dont follow me on instagram...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Life and Love

Facebook was covered in 'It's a Boy' statuses today and I realized I didn't even know that Kate wasn't finding out the sex of her baby. 

Last week facebook was all about George Zimmerman and I asked Philip what that was all about. To which he immediately downloaded a USA Today app and gave me strict instructions to check it every morning to stay up to date with the news. and told me to quit getting my news from facebook. 
*in my defense it is actually usually very up to date!* 

So maybe I have been living in my own little world lately. I am trying to get better and more aware:) 

Ainsley and I went for a walk this morning and about 10 minutes from home got caught in a downpour. Luckily Philip was home and even more lucky for us, he was actually awake:) We sought shelter under a tree that didn't really keep us dry. Ainsley laughed as she got hit with rain under her canopy while I got soaked through until our hero came and picked us up :) 

I have been making my lists of the hundreds of things we will need for our beach trip in a few weeks. Trying to work out the details for our trip to Michigan at the end of next month. 
And of course still trying to find my niche in life at home with a baby. albeit the cutest baby in the world. 
our first trip to the swings! 

We got lots of good time with philip this weekend:)
first walk facing forward!  
Speaking of Philip, I read this blog today and I loved it. I heard a sermon years ago on how there is no such thing as falling in and out of love, and it made an impact on me and my way of thinking. Because I believe love isn't an emotion. it's a choice. and this woman articulated it all so well in her blog here

As far as food endeavors go, we can now add carrots, apples and bananas to the list:) 

I have finally started reading again. Reading is something I have always loved to do but since Ainsley arrived I just haven't been able to do it. I don't know if I couldn't concentrate, couldn't sit still that long, or she never napped that long enough. either way, during her afternoon nap or once she goes to bed I have started reading again and it makes me happy :) I read the new Jodi Piccoult (thanks for letting me borrow rachel), the Snow Child (thanks for recommending pammy), and am now reading Night Circus. Next on the list is the Good Nurse. 

Tomorrow night Philip and I are going on a real date and we are soo excited:) it's been awhile. We are hoping to try a new restaurant! 

Hope everyone is doing well!!! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

teeth, hair, life

Happy Friday! 

This week has been quite a trying one for me. My poor baby is cutting her first tooth. at first it didnt seem to bother her, but the past few days she has been very uhappy about it. 
We know tooth #2 isn't far behind. This teething has messed with her digestive system too (which I hear is normal but so weird). and has made for some interesting outings and outfit changes:) 
or maybe it's the new addition of veggies to her diet:) 
She now has eaten sweet potatoes, peas, and avocado. avocado was by far her favorite. she ate almost half of one and was wanting more! :) which makes me happy, it was the easiest to 'make'. i just mashed it up and gave it to her:) I am really enjoying making her food for her (thank you crystal for lettingm e borrow baby food maker!)

In the past week she has also started twirling her hair when she takes her bottle. only on the left side. it is soo adorable and so funny :) 

speaking of hair, we did what had to be done. we cut the rat tail. Philip finally let me and she looks so much better (and not so redneck!) 
yes we saved it for her baby book:) does this count as her first haircut?! 
Ainsley is becoming so much more active! she loves to stand up, play in her exersaucer (and actually play not just sit there), plays with her feet and can almost sit up by herself (still needs a little help). 

As far as life for Philip and I- philip's schedule this month has been rough. He hasn't had more than "two" days off in a row this month so far. which is really just one day because the first day "off" is him sleeping half of the day from working the night before. So that has been challenging both for us as a couple, him as a dad, and me caring for ainsley 24/7. especially with the teething :) but we are making the most of his days off and enjoying the time we have together. and soo looking forward to august where we have our family vacation and several other fun things planned:) 

I have been struggling with my new normal of staying at home with ainsley and only working part-time. It's hard to go from being so independent and working full time to having someone needing me 24-7 and only working 1-2 days a week. good thing she's so adorable and fun;) Philip and I have been talking about it a lot and while we know this is the best decision for our family, it comes with its own challenges, struggles and doubts. just as if I worked full time would come with it's own challenges struggles and doubts. don't get me wrong, I love being able to be with her so much and be the one who takes care of her. it's just a lot sometimes. but very worth it:)

I have decided to start BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) this fall and am really looking forward to it.
I am also going to start taking Ainsley to a music class once a week that i have heard awesome things about. check it out here

Have a happy weekend:) :) 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

the 4th!

 I heard it through the grapevine that Grand (Philip's gma) was upset I didn't post yesterday with Ainsley's red, white and blue attire. I will happily share:) 

It has rained here for days. and days. and days. so all fun plans that have involved being outside have been nixed. sad story. so the 4h wasn't full of downtown festivities, the pool, and a patio dinner like we had planned. but it still turned out fun! 

Philip had to work the 3,4,5 so he has been working and sleeping the holiday away. We have missed him a lot but are looking forward to 2 days off together. 

on the 4th, Ainsley and I went to my friend Brittany's to visit with her and her little boy Brody, who is 2 months older than Ainsley. 
We ordered lunch and hung out while the rain poured down. 

Then I headed to Megan's where Jordan&nick and Alison&Nick were all hanging out. We were all going to go out to dinner but ended up getting carry out and staying dry :)
Last night I got to have dinner at Joy's with Aunt Carol, Taylor and Courtney (from Michigan). Ainsley loved meeting all of them and can't wait to spend more time with them! (courtney i didnt get a pic of you holding her :( :( )

Tonight my brother and his wife are having a pool/pig roast party! It is still  raining but the pig is roasting anyway and the party will go on! 
During naptime I made these tasty treats to take 
cucumber dill salad
s'mores treats (pre cut)

In the Baby World, we have a tooth coming in!