
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

2 months

Our sweet baby girl is 2 months old! she has changed so much in such a short time, we can't believe it. people keep telling me how much she looks like philip. what do you think??

She had her 2 month appointment today and got her shots. she took it like a champ. I however, did not. Doctor was amazed at how much Ainsley is sleeping, and said not to mess with whatever schedule we had her on, so she would keep sleeping so well!:)
heading to the Dr:)
before shots. happy girl
after shots, reddened eyes and needing paci 
2 month stats:
weight: 10 lbs 15 oz (57%)
length: 22 3/4 in (64%)
OFC: 38.5 44%

size: she can still wear some of her newborn clothes (although the past couple of days all of a sudden some don't fit that did a few days ago!), but fits into her 0-3 month clothes now. some are too big, but she is getting there:) we are using up the rest of our newborn diapers and then she will be in size 1.

eat/sleep: She is taking 3-4 oz every 3 hours. usually 4 but sometimes she just only wants 3 or 3.5. She sleeps around 9 hours at night. she goes to bed anywhere from 9-11 depending on when she wakes up that morning and starts her schedule:) at night she eats, we change her, swaddle her and turn on her noise machine. she lays there for about 15 minutes and then goes to sleep on her own. 
 we follow the eat/play/sleep routine. it was hard to keep her awake after eating at first, but now she seems to know it's not sleep time and stays awake on her own. her awake time has gotten longer most days. she loves being in her swing and just looking around:) having a different routine every day is hard for my type A personality, but I am trying to chill out about it. 

developments: she is smiling!!! it is the best thing in the world when she looks me in the eye and this huge grin spreads across her face. She is happiest in the morning after she has had her breakfast:). she lays on her playmat and bats at the sea animals. she grips ahold of one of the rings and won't let go:) she isn't a huge fan of tummy time but we are working on that. 
she tracks you when you walk which is so fun:) 

loves: she still LOVES bath time! 
she also loves music. well, noise of any kind actually. white noise is heaven sent in this household:) 
she likes having her cheeks kissed on. well, maybe she doesnt, but i LOVE kissing on them! they are the most kissable cheeks in the whole world:)

nicknames: bean, beanie, munchkin, and nana calls her sugarbear

Philip said he feels like she changes every time he comes from working a 12 hour shift. He has gotten to be here when she wakes up the past few mornings and it is such a fun time. From where she is swaddled all night, when we get her up and unswaddle her, she stretches her arms and legs as long as she can and just lays there and smiles:) it makes me laugh every morning. 

i should note that in her short 2 month life, we have cut two onesies off of her due to poop explosions. i got my trauma shears out of my work bag, and cut it right off her and threw in the trash. it was that.bad. all the while my husband is gagging and dry heaving. sometimes I wish there was a camera in her nursery. 

anyway, her disposition is just such a happy one. we are enjoying her so much.
We are so in love with our sweet baby! 

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