Dear Ainsley,
It is CRAZY to think that this time tomorrow we will be well on our way to meeting you. You have been quite active last night and this morning and I feel like you know you are about to leave the only home you have known. I have been talking to God and asking him to prepare you for what is about to happen. It's going to be scary for both of us but He has promised to be there with us:) He has brought us both through the past 9 months together and He isn't leaving us now, don't worry.
Your Daddy is so excited to meet you. Finally after months of having me tell him about you second hand, he will get to finally feel and touch you. You are one lucky little girl to get him as your Dad. Trust me, I know because I am one lucky woman to have him as my husband. He is going to spoil you rotten and you will have him wrapped around your little finger. He hopes you look like me. I think he is a little nervous about having a little girl. So be easy on him;)
Your family is beyond excited to meet you too. Your Pop & Nana, Pawpee, Grandma, Great Aunts, Great Uncles, Great Grandmas, Great Papa, Uncles, Aunt, and cousins. They are all so happy and can't wait to get their hands on you. You are going to be one loved girl.
We will probably screw up a lot with raising you. Let's be honest, we have no clue what we are doing. But your dad and I promise to love you unconditionally. No matter what decisions you make, what path you choose or don't choose, we will always love you. In fact neither of us have any idea how much we are going to love you. We think we love you now, but know it's nothing compared to what we are about to feel.
Your Pop said you are 'packing your bags' and he is right. You are about to enter this world and become the center of ours. We can't wait to meet you sweet baby girl.
Oh, and if I'm screaming, crying and a hot mess when you meet me, don't worry that's normal :)
Thanks for making me cry a little this morning remembering the wonderful moment my own entered the world. What a wonderful wonderful letter. Make sure you print this out to save for her someday when she has a kid. CONGRATS!!!!