6 more weeks! I can not believe it. I had a small freak out moment this week at the doctor (more on that in a second). It is starting to get really real!
size: she is as big as a large cantaloupe. 19-22 inches and could be 5.5 lbs.
what is going on with her this week: she is probably as long as she will be at this point (thank goodness because she really can't stretch out anymore than she is!). she will continue to gain weight though. Her fat is adding on at a rapid rate at this point (so is momma's!). She is almost 15% body fat!!! (remember when she was just 2%?!) Her brain is also developing rapidly. Her skull is still soft, which will help her fit through my birth canal when she is ready to come out:)
what is going on with me: not as much puking this week. just the awful nausea. My Dr told me it might be where she is pushing my stomach up and it has nowhere to go so the acids are making me nauseas. She is having me try a different kind of medicine so I am hoping it works. it didnt seem to help last night.
I am still not sleeping very well, my hips really bother me when I lay on them at night and I just can't get comfortable. I have been having some small contractions but have been trying to hydrate better and that seems to be helping.
I got a lot done with Ainsley's nursery and even got some of my hospital bag packed this week (just in case!)
at the doctor this week: *this might be TMI for some of you* We saw Dr Karon this week. Philip had to work so I went solo (which was fine they haven't been doing much at the appointments anyway). I talked to her about some of our concerns and questions about delivery and she ended up examining me to check some things out. She said she could feel the baby's head and she was very low (cervix closed though!). I told her that was odd because her feet are still in my ribs. she reminded me how short waisted I am and told me she really just didnt have much room in there. She asked me how big I was when I was born (7lbs4oz) and how big philip was (7lbs3oz) and told me if A was too big she wasn't sure she would fit through my pelvis. soo, we are getting a growth ultrasound on Jan 9 (yay we get to see her!) and will make some decisions after that. I was freaking out when she started talking about inductions and c-sections. I was frantically texting philip as soon as she walked out of the room. SO CRAZY!!! I have decided to not stress or freak out until we get the ultrasound.
cravings: i didnt crave much this week. just ate a lot of snack food over the holidays. (bad for mom, bad for baby ringing in my head the whole time... thanks to my OB;))
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