
Saturday, December 15, 2012

32 :)

8 months! Can you believe we are 8 months pregnant?? because we can not
She is going to be here before we know it. Which gives us so much joy and also some anxiety. I mean, we don't feel old enough/responsible enough to be parents! :) :) 

size: Ainsley is 4.5 lbs and 19 inches. about as big as a honeydew melon (but let me tell you, it feels like she is as big as a watermelon!) 
what's going on with Baby this week: the amniotic fluid is at it's max this week. so all of her nudges, kicks, turns, hiccups are felt much more acutely than before. Her eyes are closing during sleep and opening when she is awake. Light penetrates the womb and she can differentiate between night and day. Good news! her immune system has developed (my antibodies helped her!). 

Talk about pregnancy brain- here is how dumb I have become: for the past 2-3 weeks she has been doing what I have been calling 'thumping' in there. it felt like she was head banging on my bladder. these consistent little 'thumps' that are down where her head is. well, only tonight at dinner did my friends help me realize that she is hiccuping! DUH! how did I not realize this is what she is doing in there?? haha. 

what's going on with me: I am uncomfortable. I feel like I dont fit into my skin. I am waiting for a muscle to just snap (like a rubberband pulled too tight) or for a rib to just crack. There is nowhere else for her to go in there. I have found my first stretch marks (followed by some tears) and thus have been slathering up in the coca butter more than I was. I would say I am not complaining, but I am. But that doesnt mean that I don't think it is all worth it/am not grateful. because I do and am. like my mom says ' pregnancy isn't for sisssies' :)

I am still up at least every hour and am usually awake from 2-3 or 4am. which could contribute to the hormones that are out of control...;) 

I am so so excited to meet our baby girl and hold her and kiss on her. But part of me thinks i'm really not ready for it and wonders if I can really do this. but I think that's normal. mostly I just can't wait to meet her:) 

My brain has officially stopped functioning like it used to. At work I seem to have just forgotten how to do things I usually do 50 times a day. At home I seem to drop everything I put my hands on and then not be able to bend over enough to pick it up. Leading to a few choice words and my calm husband coming over to help me (and give me the look that says 'you have got to calm down'). 

cravings: still fruit. and soft serve ice cream. 
Maya curled up next to my belly :)

1 comment:

  1. DIPS (Dumbness induced by pregnancy syndrome) is hard to handle but I promise much of the brain returns awhile after the baby comes. The tears, well not as much sorry. It will be great. Have a wonderful holiday awaiting your extra special gift coming soon.


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