
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This year, I didn't have to work Thanksgiving for the first time in 4 (maybe 5) years. I usually always have to work this holiday, but after going to the ER pool, I work fewer holidays. So, YAY! for more family time!!

Philip had to work that night, but sacrificed sleep to eat some fabulously yummy food:) We all went to my parents house. It was the 6 of us, Aunt Ellen, Grandma, Rachel's parents &sister, and Philip's mom &brother. 
Mom made the turkey, stuffing, homemade rolls and an appetizer and everyone else contributed sides, appetizers or desserts. 

I got up early that morning and made loaded mashed potatoes and caramel apple/Snickers dessert
both turned out yummy and even Philip liked the dessert (he doesn't usually like sweets)

It was so nice having everyone there and being able to spend time together. Poor Joy and Brian had to listen to many Wilhoite stories. it's always fun to have a new audience:) We were also able to celebrate Joy's birthday. 

The weather was beautiful and Dad and I agreed that Jackson should have been in attendance. he would have loved the sun and the farm. So the next day I went back to Gtown and took Jax. He got to play on the farm when Matt came in from hunting. Mom made hot browns from left over turkey and they were delicious. We aren't crazy enough to go Black Friday shopping. Mom, Aunt Annie and Auntie Jo and I tried that one year and I wanted to curl into a ball and cry. too many people and too long of lines:) So Mom and I ventured out today and went shopping. It wasn't crowded and I got lots done. 

Philip has worked the past 3 nights, so tomorrow is when the Overall Christmas Tree goes up! I am so excited:) 

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