
Friday, November 30, 2012

30 weeks!!

Holy Crap we are into our 30's! I can not believe how fast time has gone. I feel like it was just yesterday we were trying to determine if the faint line meant we were pregnant or not. but I guess I have blocked out a lot of the first trimester:) anyway- around 10 more weeks to go! 

size: this week she is 18 inches long and 3.2 lbs. measuring as big as a head of lettuce
what's going on with Ainsley: her brain development is in overtime. she can sense with all five of her senses now. her eyesight is still developing and will continue to even after she is born. She is surrounded by a pint and a half of amniotic fluid right now.
she moves around like crazy in there and amazes me how strong her movements are.
We know from our ultrasound that she loves my placenta. her little face and hands are squished right up against it. look at how close she is
Philip says the placenta is her best friend in there:) Her hand is always on or around her face. it's the cutest little hand:)

what's going on with me: nausea and dry heaving is back. I have been pretty sick starting around 3 am and waking up to puke some mornings. luckily it seems to be just mornings for now.
I have been super tired lately, but I think a lot has to do with working 12 hour shifts. Being on your feet running for 12 hours is enough to wear anyone out. So add to that carrying a child around in your belly-- makes for long days and one tired woman (with an aching back and sore feet!)
My wedding ring still fits fine, which i am very happy about.
I have officially entered the 'freak out phase'. Philip and I will go out to lunch or make spur of the moment plans and I am thinking in the back of my head 'this won't be happening for much longer'. or I will sit down in front of the Christmas tree to read and be thinking about how little I will get to read once Ainsley comes. and while I KNOW it will be all be so worth it and I wouldnt trade her for anything in the world, I am still freaking out about how much our lives are going to change. in a good way, I know. but still. Sometimes I dont do well with change:)

4D: take two on the 4D ultrasound was much better. I drank my Diet Mt Dew, ate my Snickers and was hoping to get Ainsley all kinds of riled up. After all the caffeine and sugar she still wanted to stay snuggled in my placenta. she did move around and let us see her face though. which we loved. Philip thinks she looks like me, but I really can't make that call just yet. she is head down, which is the position you want them in for delivery. all we know is she is the cutest baby we have ever seen and we can't wait to see and hold her in person. :) not that we are biased or anything.
We got a DVD of the full 20 minute session and have watched it (and shown it off) several times. it is so crazy to see her moving around and living in there:)

cravings: spiced tea. friendship bread. York Peppermint Patties. 

1 comment:

  1. You look great and it will all be great! Just very happy and overwlehming but totally great


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