
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

dr appt

For the very  few of you who read this for updates, I wanted to let you know about our appointment today. 

So we thought they might do the heavily anticipated anatomy scan LAST visit. but they told us no, this time they would. and also would be the dreaded glucose test. so I was excited for one part and not for the other:) 

when we got there I asked them if we could do ultrasound first so Philip could get home and get to bed. they said they were confused because they didn't do ultrasounds on Tuesday... well, come to find out there was a little scheduling mix up. I told them no big deal and went to sit down next to Philip. Where I then proceeded to start crying. because let's be honest, I have cried a lot this week. Philip is telling me its ok, and I am telling him I know it's ok but I can't stop crying!. the woman comes out to give me my glucose drink and sees me crying and feels terrible. which then made me feel terrible. because mistakes happen. It's just hard when you are so looking forward to this ultrasound and realize it isn't going to happen. and of course philip and I have no other days this week we could come back. so we have to wait a whole week to go back. (not the end of the world, I realize this) 

anyway, they were trying to work something out for us, so told Philip not to leave. which he didn't, and should have. because he wasted hours this morning at the doctors, where they did nothing except draw blood and doppler her heart beat. I felt so bad for him. 

sooo...ultrasound next wednesday. and because they felt so bad they told me they are doing all kinds of extra shots and pictures for us, and will even burn them to a CD so we can bring them home to show her off:) ill take it. 

Results of glucose test should be back tomorrow. her heart beat was strong- yay:) 
I apologized numerous times for getting so upset. they seemed to be used to it. I guess working at an OB/GYN office you would be. but I still was embarrassed. guess it comes with the territory.... 

1 comment:

  1. YEAH you survived the dreaded glucose test!
    So understand the crying thing...I hate to tell you it continues after she comes but for different reasons...I think Sophie was about 8 months old..I was watching say yes to the dress and started crying thinking about shopping with her for her dress someday...seriously??? Hang in there those pictures are coming soon.


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