This past week held a milestone for our pregnancy! Tuesday night Philip and I went out to dinner to Mexican. we had a wonderful little date, and when we got home I was laying on the couch when Ainsley started kicking hard. Philip came over and was able to feel her move for the first time!!! He was so excited, and I was too because it isn't fair I get to feel her all the time and he hasn't been able to. (the way my placenta is lying is making it hard for him to feel her).
size: This week she is a papaya! almost 8 inches and 1.2 pounds. She is going to double in the next 4 weeks- yikes! :)
what's going on with me: my sick days are getting less frequent but I still had several this week. Wednesday night I passed out after I got home from work and forgot to take my medicine. I woke up and spent the morning puking:( I am taking a very small dose of medicine at night but apparently it is helping. I am trying not to take medicine if I can help it, which philip calls stubborn. I just don't want this poor child to come out and be in Zofran withdrawals!!! (this can't really happen and I know that in my head, but i'm still trying since i had to live on zofran my first trimester)
Ainsley (my belly) continues to grow little by little:) I can feel her moving a lot better now and sometimes it is comparable to the sensation you get when you 'lose your stomach' going on a roller coaster.
Also my heart rate has gone up and is around 100bpm. This is high for me, as I am usually in the 60's or low 70's. They tell me it is normal, but I can definitely tell my heart is beating fast and sometimes I have to take a deep breath. I am also trying to drink more water in case it is up from being dehydrated.
what's going on with Baby A: She can hear my voice, my heartbeat, my blood pumping, and my stomach gurgling:) We can now hear her heartbeat with a stethoscope (instead of a Doppler). So of course we tried it:) Her skin is red now due to the blood vessels developing. Her hair is still white but continues to grow:) Her pancreas is now making her own hormones! She also now has her own sense of balance.
cravings: bologna. I know a lot of people don't like this 'meat' but i love it. and for some reason I thought it wasn't considered a 'lunch meat' (which you are now recommended not to eat in pregnancy). so I have been eating and loving it. Well we looked it up and it can in fact carry Listeria the same as any other lunch meat, and we decided I should stop eating it, just in case. *note-- we both realize that in all reality eating lunch meat is probably safe and the chance of getting Listeria is very low. however we are first time parents and you know how that goes;)* anyway, I switched to PB&J, only to find out there has been a national recall on all kinds of peanut butter. can this pregnant woman not get a simple sandwich without worry! haha :)
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