
Saturday, August 11, 2012

14 weeks

Friday we turned 14 weeks! 

size: baby is now the size of a large navel orange (2-3 ounces). 

whats going on in my body: supposedly the 'first trimester woes' turn into the 'second trimester honeymoon' soon. and while my good days are getting more frequent, i still have really rough hours and days. You can now feel my uterus if you push on it, which is so crazy to both of us. 

what's going on with baby: baby is now 4.5 inches long. He/she can breath, suck, and swallow. They can also kick and move their arms and legs. the ears are now where they are supposed to be and eyes have moved from the side of the head to the front of the face. 
pic from my app 'sprout lite'

my goal was to start exercising again once I started feeling better. I  had a stretch of days off so I decided to start walking every day. Philip and I took Jackson to the park, I walked him tonight, and I plan to walk him again tomorrow night. Once I get back to exercising I will venture back to the my gym to start getting back into shape. 
We go to the doctor on Monday so hopefully she will tell us things are going smoothly and just like they are supposed to be :)


  1. I am so excited for you!!!!! You are going to make a fabulous mommy!!!!!! By the way, your hair is so light is it just the picture??? Either way I think it looks great!!!

  2. SOOOO happy for you sweet girl!!!! :)

  3. thank you thank you girls!! :)


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