
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy February 14th ! 
I have never been the biggest fan of this holiday, but appreciate the fact that a day is devoted to telling those you love, that you love them.
Unfortunately, I had to work 7am-730pm today. Philip worked last night and got off work at 7am (story of our life right now). So I got to see him in passing at work this morning. 
I did, however, leave him some cards and a present before I left.
the Be Mine is a rawhide given to Jackson from Layla :) I saved it until today.
While Philip was sleeping today, my Mom stopped by the house and dropped these goodies off:
There were also press cookies that she made. when I came home, they were nowhere to be found. In fact Philip was like 'what cookies?' when I asked where they were. Apparently Jackson got on the counter, got his pink heart, the cookies- and went to town. Philip woke up to red rawhide pieces and cookie crumbles all over the living room. awesome.
Anyway, she also made us this DELICIOUS dinner
heart shaped pizza!
When I got home from work, Philip had cards for me. We had agreed not to get each other any 'presents'. He thought he would be sneaky and address a present to 'Mom, from Jackson &Maya'. (so technically he didn't break the rules:)). 
We had a lovely night eating pizza and drinking wine (thanks again Mom!).

With facebook's new timeline,  you can see things that happened in different years. look what popped up the other day :
(disregard the comment from whitley)- how funny that philip wrote on my wall March 25, 2006?! 2 years before we started dating! I dont even remember him writing that! 

Hope everyone had a happy valentine's day! We made the best of ours :)
even the babies got along today


  1. So cute! I love that picture of Jackson and Maya :) We miss you guys. Will have to plan a dinner date soon!


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