At church this past Sunday, Jon read a passage from a book that really stuck in my mind. Like, when he read it, it caused this epiphany for me. you know how sometimes, someone else can say exactly what you feel but can't seem to articulate? this was one of those moments for me.
so here is the quote.
"My deepest fear is waking up 20 years from now the same person I am today.With the same annoying habits and petty attitudes; with the same besetting sins and false beliefs. I can't imagine anything more terrible than getting to the end of my life only to discover that God had so much more in mind for me- more freedom, more joy, more peace, more true effectiveness. And I had missed it all, simply because I had refused to change." ~Joanna Weaver- having a mary spirit
I often wonder what I am missing out on because I get so caught up in my own life, that I fail to ask God what He wants me to be doing. If I asked and listened more- what kinds of opportunities would I get? and what do I miss out on because I dont take the time to talk to God about it? What pure peace and joy is out there that I am not fully grasping because I am so stuck in my ways and patterns?
The thought of standing face to face with Jesus, and finding out He could have done so much more with me, causes me emotions I can't even describe.
Those are my deep thoughts for the week. it helps me to sort my thoughts out when I write/type them out. Thanks for reading:)
Thanks for sharing! I wasn't able to go Sunday due to work. What an amazing quote and statement to make about life. So many times I feel like I miss out on what God really wants for me!