
Friday, September 2, 2011

Turning 29

I'll admit, I like to celebrate a 'birthday week'. not because I am full of myself or like to receive presents (my love language is not receiving gifts). but because i LOVE to see my family and friends and celebrate life (my love language is quality time). i love any excuse to get together with people I love, and so I use my birthweek to do just that:)
It started out with Budde Birthday Dinner Wednesday night. Grandma B always takes us to the restaurant of our choosing to celebrate. This year I chose Miyako. i love hibachi:)

birthday fruit. with chopsticks that said 'teddy bear' on them. random.
For the past two weeks Philip has been working on my birthday present in the garage. He is so skillful with wood so I was very excited to see what he was creating. Every night he would take blankets and cover up his masterpiece so I wouldn't be able to see. Little did I know, he was using extra wood to skew the figure so i really wouldn't know what he was hiding. such a sneakster!
So yesterday morning I woke up at 730 and was dying to see what he had made! I came downstairs to this beautifully crafted mirror.

These pictures don't do it justice. It is amazing all the cuts and designs he did.
For a long while now, I have been wanting a mirror like this. But I never bought one because they are expensive. Well this one is WAY better than any ol' store bought one. This was made just for me by my wonderful husband:) I can't wait to put it up in our bedroom!

So then, we hatched for a bit (hatching is the term we used for the time when you are awake but not really awake yet). Then we took Jax on a nice long walk. It was a nice morning and he loves going on walks. Philip however doesnt love it, but he went with me anyway, as an extra birthday treat for me:) we were in search of sprinklers because our crazy dog LOVES them. too bad it was too late in the morning and none were on.

My parents stopped by so Mom could deliver a creme brulee cheese cake she made me (pics to come soon). We haven't delved into it yet- but my mouth is already watering thinking about it. what a thoughtful thing to make me- you're the best Mom:)

Then we went to Alfalfas for lunch. This is becoming a birthday tradition for the 4 of us to go there on my birthday:) 2 years ago I didnt see my parents on my actual birthday, and it just didn't feel right. we decided we would never do that again. so they make the trip to lexington to see me. because I am spoiled rotten:) trust me, I know this.
After lunch, we wanted to do something fun outside, but couldn't really think of anything interesting. So we opted to go buy Jackson a sprinkler and hang out in our back yard:) Which was both relaxing and entertaining:)

That night Philip took me to the Melting Pot for dinner. He had never been, so I was excited to go there and see what he thought about it. It was a very romantic and fun dinner. We both had such a good time cooking our food and getting to just enjoy each other.

We came home in time to watch BB, which i am obsessed with and he doesnt mind to watch. and CBS gave me such a wonderful gift of sending Shelly the Rat home. (for all you BigBrother lovers, i know you were excited about this !!!).

The day was a perfect birthday for me. My wonderful family and friends showered me with 'Happy Birthday' posts, texts and phone calls. every single one made me happy and made my day so special:)
Thank you all for being fantastic friends:) :)


  1. Glad yoru brithday week was so great (It must be a Budde thing because I celebrate all week long as well....mainly for the desserts). That mirror is amazing.

  2. That Mirror is amazing :)


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