
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

3 years

Last night marked 3 years from when Philip and I went on our first date. 8-8-08. easy for me to remember, because I'll admit, I am bad with dates. 
But months ago we decided we would go back to the restaurant on the day where it all began...

How the date went depends on who you ask. Philip thinks it went 'great'. I, however, thought it was incredibly awkward. Maybe I had just built our first date up so much that my expectations were unreachable. because let's be honest, I worked HARD at getting this boy to ask me out. pulling out my best moves for weeks, flirty emails for over a month- he made me work for it. but alas, he caught me off guard at work, in the hallway and asked me out. for that FRIDAY. it was thurs. I used to never say yes to a date without more notice than a day! but, like i said, caught off guard. so we went. I wore my 'first date outfit' (philip hates that I even had a first date outfit) and it was nice. I definitely didn't think it was going to be my last first date ever. but it was :) and God knew what He was doing (of course).

So last night was fun seeing how far we have come in 3 years. And how different our conversation is now compared to 3 years ago. Ahh memories:)

As a souvenir of our 'anniversary date' I have this beautiful medley to gaze at


  1. Okay is is so sappy that I just cried a little at your sweet story? My husband, Erik and I think about our first date every time we have Subway so I so get it.

  2. It's so nice to be able to do that. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and it's no longer awkward for you :) Marty and I had our first date at Cheeseburger in Paradise (I love cheeseburgers!), but ours is now a Goodwill :( So much for that idea, but how sweet.


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