
Saturday, July 2, 2011


Jackson ready to go swimming yesterday!
My poor baby dog has allergies. serious allergies. rivers coming out of his eyes. red eyes. nose running. sneezing. licking his skin that is itching him. and this new hacking thing he does to get whatever is in his throat out. he is pitiful and I feel so badly for him. we gave him benadryl. we gave him zyrtec. but he takes THREE times the zyrtec I take. and they said every day. and that stuff is expensive! but we will give it to him, if it makes him better.
But last night I was talking to my cousin Crystal. and she suggested I change his food. That a lot of times food allergies will manifest like that in dogs. and a little bell went off in my head. we had just changed jackson's food 3 weeks ago. he graduated from puppy chow to dog food. and we have been traveling so much we just didn't make the connection. So after Crystal said that I realized that this is exactly what was happening with lil buddy. Because when we feed him this new dog food, he eats all the red bites, all the orange bites, and PICKS OUT the brown bites. and we thought it was so funny he wouldn't eat those. but ill bet they were making him sick and he knew he was allergic to them! so crazy.
so anyway I made a late night stop to PetSmart last night to get him new dog food. a nicer more 'hypoallergenic' brand. I am hoping this fixes his problem because neither of us sleep well when he is so sick. and I feel so terrible putting him outside during the day because I feel like the environment is contributing to his allergies. which it may be. it might not be food. but I have a strong suspicion it is.
THANK YOU CRYSTAL! for being such a good detective.


  1. Jackson is precious and you are such a good mommy!!!

  2. Good to hear you do not have a sick puppy anymore!

  3. your puupy is so cute!! I love the floaties!!


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