
Friday, June 17, 2011


Emergency Medicine is a 3 year residency. So at the end of their third year, the seniors have a nice dinner and ceremony. Their families are invited and it is a really nice evening, usually at Spindletop. We have a yummy dinner and then the program director hands out awards and talks about each senior. It's very nice.
But after the formal festivities comes the fun part. the roast.
I realize the roast is hard for a lot of the spouses, because it's a lot of inside jokes. lucky for me, I get the jokes because I work with all of them. The interns and second years make skits, making fun of the third years. They video tape them and then edit it, put it to music, and play it that night. You pretty much know whatever dumb thing you have done or mistake you have made will make an appearance. It's unnerving wondering what exactly they will do. My academy award winning husband played several parts in the videos last night. I was so proud.
And then all the residents roast the attendings. This part if the funniest to me. but it is also the most awkward. because they are the ones in charge. and here they are being called out for faults they have, personality differences, or things residents don't agree with. So while you are wanting to laugh, a lot, you can't really laugh. because they are there watching. usually with a fake smile on their face but you know they are really thinking ' I am going to make their life hell at work'. and while the third years get to graduate and move on, we still have to work with them every day. So for those who know me, it's difficult for me to hold my laughter in. but i did my best last night. sometimes it snuck out. but i tried. but some of them were SO funny.
So next year Philip will be one of the residents being roasted. I have forewarned the class below him that if I get drug into his roasting, I will never speak to any of them again. I'm not that tough.

Here's to 2 years down and one more to go!

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