
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sunny Day

Today the sun was out. really out. and it was gorgeous. i spent as much time as i could outside. i am so ready for it to be warm again. this winter has been a long one.
I started out my day by getting up early and taking jackson to McDonalds with me to get breakfast. i got their new oatmeal. pretty good. but pricey for McD breakfast. so I woke Philip up and we had breakfast in bed. and then I got ready for the Shamrock Shuffle. a 3K in downtown lexington. and I am SO proud of myself. I ran almost the whole thing. my official chip time was 20:49! I thought that was really good, since I hardly ever run. after the race I got to walk around downtown with ann (lil bear). i love her.
my race buddy- Teri
I came home and took Jackson to the park. I wanted him to enjoy the day too. and even though he enjoyed the whole day playing outside in our yard, it is much better for him to get out. he loves it.
trying to get Jax to get into the pond. he wasn't having it. big baby.
UK got another big win today! i went to megan's to watch the game with Jordan, alison and sarah. we snacked and chatted, and occasionally checked the score:)
Since Philip is working a late shift tonight, I went to georgetown. Every Saturday night, my mom, dad, aunt/uncle, 4 cousins, aunt and grandma all go to church and then out to Mi Casita for dinner. tonight I joined in:) Whitney and Calvin joined us for dinner too- so we had a big group! conversation was loud and funny as usual. I love my family so much.
Now I am home, trying to stay awake until Philip gets home from work. I am not sure I will make it. Especially since really it is an hour later... don't forget to set your clocks back!

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