
Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Church this past Sunday was still on the book of Matthew. this week was on the birth of Jesus. and the portrayal of Mary. and how a lot of people describe her as 'weak'. and Jon pointed out she was anything but. how strong she really was. and since the sermon I have been thinking a lot about Mary. and the conception of Jesus. and the birth of Jesus. and it truly is so amazing the way He entered our world. For God to conceive Him in the womb of a virgin. can you imagine what people said about her? can you imagine the gossip and hardship she had to endure? But on the other side, can you imagine the absolute peace she felt. the peace that you have when you know you are in God's will. when you can feel with every ounce of your being that God is working in you. I just can't imagine. The song, Mary Did You Know has been speaking to me. lately I have been contemplating the lyrics. What an amazing woman Mary was. I can't imagine the life she led. giving birth to our Savior, raising him and loving him. and then watching him die on the cross. i can't even fathom that. I wonder if when she held him in her arms, she knew that he was destined to save us. if when he was learning to walk, she knew those little feet would walk on water. crazy.
I can't wait to meet Mary in heaven. and talk to her about what it was like. to hear stories about Jesus when he was growing up.  to be able to hear what it was like, from her point of view. what a story that will be...
4 more days till Jesus' birthday :)
Mary Did You Know


  1. Amanda - I loved reading your blog! I'm excited to I hear things through my mom (from your mother)! I also have a blog (per request from grandparents - - would love for you to follow) I hope you found the ring!!! Merry Christmas!

  2. Nice post :) It sounds a lot like the message we heard at Kim's church on Sunday in Hilton Head. Our church was like theirs, but we missed hearing Jon this week! Did you see the video I posted that they showed! It was pretty cute! See you soon!


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