
Monday, December 27, 2010

Back at It

thanks for the bone aunt rachel!
It's back to work tomorrow for the both of us. bummer. in the time we have been off, the ER flooded (pipe burst in the new hospital) but its all cleaned up. we missed all the drama thank goodness. but it has been an amazing 5 days off. Philip and I have gotten to spend so much time together. its been so nice. its been nice going to all family functions, together. and getting to talk on the drive there. and rehash on the drive back. and watch tv together at night. and make dinner together. and work on our new puzzle together. and grocery shop together. We have connected so much this month. and it makes me worry about January. it will probably be the worst month of his residency; trauma surgery. and I can see the depression setting in once he's not around as much... so say a prayer for me. because I have two factors that will depress me: no more Philip, and no more Christmas.

Philip went and got fitted for his fins (finnys as I call them) and mask today. He tried to go yesterday but they were closed. He also bought two scuba diving magazines. He is so excited. We have changed plans for our vacation in March. We were going to go to St Thomas, but in doing research it is going to cheaper for us to go to Hawaii. Waikiki here we come! So that is something to look forward to. My friend Bird always tells me you need things to look forward to.
As far as this week goes I am looking forward to hanging out with our 'life group' at Alison and Nick's on Thursday night. New Years has never been a favorite holiday of mine so im not overly excited about it. I think its a bunch of hype over nothing really. I usually work anyway. but this year I just work new years eve until 730. So far we don't have any plans, but at least we are both off and we will be able to enjoy our last night together.

countdown to Christmas: 362 days:)
jackson enjoying his donut from grandma

 getting along for once   


  1. I'm glad you all got to be 'normal' this month. :) There's not much longer for this stuff so that's another positive to look forward to!!

  2. we are at the halfway point!!!:)

  3. I always tuck those special memories away when things get tough to fall back on and help me through...until the next time I can make more good memories and build up on that pile...soon the "good stuff" over comes the "bad stuff!" It will be SO worth it when Philip is finished!


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