
Sunday, May 29, 2022

End of the School Year

Ainsley went to regionals which just happened to be in Battle Creek, Michigan. 20 minutes away from Philips family ! We were so excited to be able to see them while we were there cheering on our girl. 

She did so good! We were so proud of her. She got 10th on beam! 

Aunt Loyale came to watch her and surprised her with flowers. 

The end of the school year is always fun. Liberty had their annual picnic with the arts and the kids danced their little hearts out. 

They had lots of fun end of the year activities and events. 

Ainsley did a presentation on the fennec fox, inspired by her trip to the zoo in CA with Aunt Melody. 

She had an end of year banquet for gymnastics and won the most improved award. 

Parker enjoyed his first field day and end of year program.

His teachers were wonderful this year and really appreciated his crazy silly personality. He won the laffy taffy award. 

I wrapped up my first year as the school nurse and really enjoyed it. I enjoyed being part time yet still being there and able to care for all the kids at Liberty. 

We all had a really good year. After being home during Covid it was so nice to be back in person, in the school around other people. You take for granted what’s it like being surrounded by other people and interacting with them.