
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Life Lately

Oh, Hello. I have not written in months and then it became overwhelming to know where to start. But I will do a quick catch up of life. Maybe ill individually blog about these things, maybe I wont but thats ok:) 
After we got back from Holiday World, I re-entered the working world. I am now the school nurse at Liberty Elementary. I work for the health department and it is part time but I love Liberty, the staff and the children there. I enjoy working again, even if it is vastly different from the world of emergency medicine. 

The kids started 3rd and kindergarten and while school looks different with Covid, we are grateful we got to go back to in person school. 

The very first day of school, I contracted Covid-19. However I went undiagnosed for 5 days, continued to work and take care of my kids all weekend until Monday I lost my taste. I isolated in the basement while Philip was a rock star upstairs doing all the things. I watched Parkers 6th birthday from the porch window and it was one of the saddest moments for me. BUT, we all survived and it could have been worse, and for that we are grateful. 

Parker turned SIX. We had to cancel his big birthday party and it was heartbreaking for everyone, but we made the best of it. Nanny and Pop brought his presents over and I got to watch from a distance. Joy also came by and we did a driveway celebration. 

We spent several weekends and the end of quarantine at the Lake House. We are loving having a get away to go to. It is so nice escaping for even one day in the beauty of Nancy, KY. and not having wifi makes it even better:) 

Philip and I took a trip for our friend Erin's 40th birthday. We ventured to St. John and it was one of the most beautiful places we have ever been. We would love to go back and take the kids as it truly was an amazing place. 

Parker played flag football and Ainsley is still doing gymnastics. We had lots of cheerleaders come watch Parker at his games, and Ainsley had her first competition which she would only let me come to. She did amazing and we could not be more proud of her. 

My sweet and sassy grandmother passed away on October 10, 2021. I was able to visit with her days before she passed and even though she asked me who I was, she remembered me and just said she got 'all us girls confused'. I was able to give her a chocolate and brush her hair, two of her favorite things. She is already sorely missed but we are happy knowing she is with my Grandpa in heaven, and that we will get to see them both again. 

Fall and Halloween are kicking off and I am so ready for the cool weather and all things fall. 

This is a quick recap, but wanted to hit the highlights. Being a working woman has thrown me for a bit of a loop after being out of it for so long. I am struggling with trying to continue the things I am so used to doing (working out, cooking, cleaning, BSF). I am slowly starting to get a new routine down though! 

God has been so gracious to our family this past year and while He continues to show up, I ignorantly continue to be surprised at His faithfulness.