
Friday, August 28, 2020


2020 is just full of surprises and new adventures. Due to the pandemic still spreading, the public schools in KY have opted to start school virtually. Ainsley had a "drive through open house" where her masked teachers talked to the kids while they remained in the cars. They were handed a bag of text books, papers, folders, and chrome books. Google classrooms have been set up by every teacher, and expectations of wearing real clothes, no eating, staying muted and "zoom etiquette" were gone over. 

So the first day of school this year looked way different than it ever has. The (only) plus side was that I got to hold her hand and be with her during her first day jitters. And that first day was ROUGH. She cried at least 4 times. Spanish is so hard to do over zoom, with audio cutting in and out. And we got kicked off of zoom several times and she was panicked she was going to be in trouble. We finally just had to close the computer and pray the next day would be better. which it was. 

Today she took a virtual field trip to the space center, and Parker wanted to see space too. 
I pulled up a chair for him and let him watch. 
Parker also started "school" of his own. He is focusing on letters, numbers, and writing. He is earning stickers and I am trying to fill the very large shoes of Mrs. Fardo, who Parker adores and misses terribly. Keeping him occupied and quiet while Ainsley is in class is difficult but I am so thankful for a nanny/grandma who can help with this. 
I told him he had to wear clothes to school and he came down in this. pick your battles. 
We have also re-entered the world of sports. Ainsley started gymnastics at a new place and her first class was an assessment of her skills. They moved her up to Division 2 and I think this is going to be a really good place for her. 

Parker started soccer and while he is the smallest on the team, he has had a really good attitude and is trying really hard. I am proud of his "big five year old attitude". 
While doing school at home is not ideal, we are trying to make the best of the situation. I am trying to take it a day at a time and remind myself I did not go to school to be a teacher so I can't expect to just know how to do this. The teachers at Liberty have been beyond amazing and even her specials teachers have made each day a learning opportunity. I am so grateful for her school and I am so ready to get her back in the classroom where she will learn so much better and get to be with her friends. 

For now we will enjoy the weekend and tackle Monday when it comes! 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Parker is FIVE

Turning five for our little man was not exactly the celebration we were hoping to have. You know he looks forward to his big backyard bounce house party all year. But thanks to Covid, our party was limited to our families (good thing our families are awesome) And we had a bounce house on a smaller scale thanks to Uncle Bubby. And you know what? It was perfect.

Quick stats to remember : 
He is 42 inches tall 
40 pounds 
4T-5T clothes 

He woke up that morning so excited to grab the last part of his homemade birthday countdown. He then of course wanted to open his presents starting with the biggest first:) 

He requested mini doughnuts for breakfast. He had several friends stop by to wish him happy birthday. And for lunch he wanted SkyLine. So we went through the drive through and had a picnic in the grass. 

We got the yard decorated and boy did they decorate it! Parker thought it was an obstacle course:) 

That night our family came over to celebrate our boy. It started with a scavenger hunt from Nanny &Pop that led to new hot wheels. Then we had pizza in the back yard and the kids played on the bounce house and playset. The shark piƱata was a hit (pun intended). 

Saturday we let him pick a friend to take to the lake. He chose his friend Sam whose sister is in class with Ainsley, so that worked out well. We had a beautiful day on the lake where the kids had a blast exploring, playing pirates, and of course going down the slide. 

I can’t believe we have a five year old, but Parker has been telling me when he’s five he will listen to me, so I’m reminding him of that promise:) 
Parker keeps us smiling, laughing, running and loving. He has the biggest sweetest heart and we are loving watching him grow up.