
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Christmas 2019

We spread Christmas out as much as we can. And this year was a little more spread out than usual, due to the arrival of our newest niece, Charlotte Marie Overall! She was born on December 20 and is the cutest little bundle. Ainsley wouldn't hold her, which was fine by me because then I got more cuddles. We are so excited she’s here! 

We attended Christmas Eve service at church, and the kids got to go to big church with us. They did pretty good, but Parker crawled in and out of the chairs back and forth to me and Pop. 
Our first celebration was with Joy. We had breakfast for dinner and had a wonderful evening where we all got spoiled. 

We did our tradition of decorating Christmas cookies with the Stearleys, but the fun was cut short when Parked puked all over Erin's new cream colored couch. (the GI bug spread through the Wilhoite families all month).

We went to a Cirque Dreams HoliDaze at Rupp Arena with Rachel and Anna Beth. The girls are big into gymnastics and the hoop, so they thought it was pretty cool.

Ainsley had a holiday party at school and I got to help with it. I always love seeing her friends and teachers.

We had a friends Christmas dinner at Cole's.

Our annual Christmas shopping trip with Daddy, complete with a Christmas slushee and popcorn (of course).

I hosted a play date with some Sigmas from college and their kids.

The best early Christmas present was a new kitten! Meet Maxwell Bud Overall. TaTeTiToTu helped us bring him to the kids. When Ainsley got home from school Friday of Christmas break, the elf had a note for them, leading them to the basement to find Maxwell. The kids have been dying for a cat "that is nice to them" and Maxwell is just that. He lets them drag him around, falls asleep on them, and plays with them. Parker tells people " I got a kitten and he LOVES ME!"

Christmas Eve morning we went to Aunt Annie's for brunch and then had Christmas with Dana.

 That night the kids sprinkled reindeer food, set out cookies for Santa and carrots for Rudolph.

We opened our annual Christmas Eve game, this year was Simon Says. Ainsley was pretty good at it, Parker needs some more time lol.

The kids went to bed, Santa's elves got to work, and then we were ready for Christmas Day!

That morning we got up and waited for the kids to wake up, and they were so excited that Santa came. They were shocked that Santa brought Parker BOTH things he asked for, and we had to tell them that he wanted to be fair since Ainsley asked for something much bigger than Parker (and Santa scored deals on all the things).

Ainsley wrapped tons of little gifts, all by herself that were scattered all under the tree.

Uncle Bri and Aunt Lindsay took the kids to the dollar store and they each picked out a gift for each of us.

We hung out at home all morning, relaxed and I even took a cat nap on the couch, then we headed to my parents for a delicious dinner and Christmas there. GG came and it was so nice to spend the night as a family.

That Saturday we had MudBowl XXVII. The weather was actually really nice and we had a good turnout! Johnny and family came in and all the boys went shooting guns after the game while we hung out at Auntie Jo's.

The best cheerleaders!

The kids got to do s'mores inside.

And we had our white elephant/dirty Santa game.

It was a perfect Christmas season, getting to do lots of fun Christmas things, see lots of family & friends and spend time at home.
Now, we cash in on our gift from Mom & Dad and head to Wilderness at the Smokies! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The Overalls LOVE Christmas. I'm not sure Philip always has loved it as much as he does now, but I like to think his love has grown thanks to me. I do know that Parker is my child for sure. He has really gotten into it this year. In fact he has wrapped several “presents” and put them under the tree. One was his blanky and one was his new hot wheel. 

I convinced Philip to put up our tree before thanksgiving this year (my argument being Thanksgiving was a week later, AND he worked the day before and after the holiday). He wanted to do a real tree this year , which we have never done. So we took the kids out to pick out a real Christmas tree! 

The kids had more fun running in and our of the lines of trees, and I was overwhelmed with all of the choices, so Philip ended up choosing our tree while I picked out a wreath and kept the kids from throwing everything into the fire. Needless to say, the biggest tree on the lot was tied up to the back of our truck. We brought it in our house and it was like a scene from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. 
In following with the go big or go home mentality, Philip rented a lift from Home Depot to put our Christmas lights up on the house this year. Don't get me wrong, I am glad he did it safely. I just wish he had taken my advice to stick to lights on the ground this year. BUT, they look amazing and I love seeing them all lit up at night. 

The kids and I went to Gtown for Thanksgiving while Philip worked night shifts. We had a good time with lots of food, fun on the farm and QT with cousins. 

We took the kids ice skating for the first time. Ainsley loved it and was determined to do it on her own without her "walker". Parker refused to put his feet down without someone holding him up on his walker, and yelled "faster!" to whichever one of us was pushing him at the time. Needless to say our backs were killing us by the end of the (short lived) night.

We saw Frozen 2 with Uncle Bubby &family and that night made Frozen gingerbread houses. 

The Christmas boxes started on the first of the month and it has made mornings so much easier. Now when I wake the kids up, they are excited and happy to hop out of bed and open their box. Parker has been peeking a bit, and when he gets a girl super hero he gives it to sissy. Ainsley has loved having a small lego set to build every morning. 

Uncle Bri and Aunt Lindsay took the kids to the KY Castle to meet Santa and have brunch. This was their gift to them this year, since Baby Charlotte is arriving this week! Both kids were prepared with what they wanted to ask Santa for, and while they were waiting in line Parker managed to sneak to the front of the line trying to give Santa his letter while another child was in his lap. 

TaTeTiToTu, our elf, also came back on the first. He has been flying around and doing all kinds of funny things. Parker touched him and Ainsley freaked. But he was saved by Philip!  He even brought Ainsley a special treat when she lost her front tooth! 

Parker had his Christmas Program at preschool, and he ACTUALLY PERFORMED. We were all shocked that we had a child perform. on stage. in front of people. but it was so cute and we were so proud of him! 

We took the kids to Lights Under Louisville at the Mega Cavern. Parker thought it was so cool to be in a cave and Ainsley loved seeing all of the displays of lights. It was on the way home she pulled her tooth out! I had been telling her for weeks it was "hanging on by a thread" and she said "the thread broke! I felt it!" 

Philip also got some fancy festive wear this year. 

We went to Polar Express night at GG's place, had a movie night at Ainsey's school, and several birthday parties. Other than that we have been enjoying time with family, friends, and hosted our 10th annual Family Christmas Party!