
Sunday, July 29, 2018

Summer Life Lately

This past week the kids were BOTH able to go Super Hero Camp. So, Monday- Friday, 9-12, i was without children. I declared this week “Amanda Week” and really lived up my 2.5ish hours to myself each morning. I would go work out, run errands (so efficiently with only myself to drag around), cleaned house, got a manicure, got a massage, and took showers to MY desired length and actually dried my hair for maybe the third time all summer. I am refreshed and ready to tackle these last few weeks of summer! 

The kids loved camp, Parker especially loved finally being able to participate. Lots of their friends were there too so it was a fun week for them. 

The end of camp was a small “performance” for the parents. And Ainsley couldn’t handle it which spun Parker into a worrisome tizzy so he couldn’t handle it either. 

Ainsley also had her last dance/ballet class which also ended in a smal performance. My mom and I came to cheer her on and as soon as they came on the “stage” she was legit terrified and in tears. I got her off bc honestly it didn’t matter, and she has learned so much the past 6 weeks. Girl just doesn’t like too many eyes on her. 

We were able to visit our friends The Birdwhistell’s at their farm, which was super fun for kids and adults alike. There were animals and kids everywhere, but their land is beautiful and so peaceful. 

We also celebrated Anna Beth’s 4th birthday! Snow White made an appearance but Ainsley was still in her “too many eyes” mindset and she retreated to the pool. Parker gave us all a scare / pissed offness when he jumped in the deep end going after a ball. Philip jumped in fully clothed and with that the party was over. 

We are gearing up for August as it is going to be a busy month full of lots of changes for all of us. Let’s not talk about it yet. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Life Lately summer edition

The Brix family came in from GA and we had our annual Wilhoite camping trip last week. We did pot- luck at the camp site (I should recognize the fact that Matt and Philip did most of the work here) , made s’mores, got everyone settled and then mom, dad and I took Parker back to the house. Where he proceeded to refuse to sleep and get out of his bed and hide, taking us forever to find him. 

Ainsley, however had a great time sleeping next to Emma in the camper. They chased fire flies, told camp fire stories, and curled up with their flash lights close to their chests:) 

The next day, Philip and the kids took serious naps. I was glad for that because we had plans to go to the Bluegrass Fair with the Stearley’s that evening. It was a perfect night for it, not crowded and not as hot as it has been. We got a funnel cake, Philip won Ainsley an overpriced stuffed animal, and Parker was in heaven that he was tall enough to do most the rides this year (not tall enough for the envied pirate ship which caused quite a melt down). 

We also attended the Summer Bash at GG’s place. There was a bounce house, a petting zoo, and icees. The kids were happy:) GG is getting around pretty well and we are thankful she is at Magnolia Springs where they are loving her well. 

A bad storm with winds up to 70 MPH ripped through our neighborhood, knocking out our power and sending the kids and I to my parents while Philip was working. Places in Lexington still don’t have power so we are thankful ours wasn’t off long! But long enough to dine on Chinese food with Erin and the kids by flashlight, which was interesting to say the least.

Needless to say this week has had some tired kids (and parents. And grandparents!) 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Life Lately

oh my goodness. where to even begin. I feel like we have been really living it up this summer. Usually I say "oh we should do this sometime" and never get around to doing it. I've tried to make things happen this summer. The thought of Ainsley starting kindergarten is hitting me hard and I can't fathom how different things are going to be in a month. So, VIVA LA SUMMER! 

Ainsley did an "all sports camp" with her friend Tate. They did basketball, soccer, archery, volleyball, and tennis. Her favorite was archery, even though she said she never shot the arrow:) 

She has been really enjoying her ballet/tap class, but it is only a 6 week summer class. I told her to pick ballet or gymnastics for the fall, as of now she says gymnastics. 
We took the kids to see Parker's first theater movie, Incredibles 2. He was mesmerized and hardly took his eyes off the screen, or his hand off his candy. 
Loving our pool right down the road and loving how empty it is on weekdays. 
We celebrated the "4th" on the Saturday before because Philip worked not he actual holiday. We let the kids each pick out 3 fireworks,  got in a little spat over how much money to spend on said fireworks, invited the Sarlls over for dinner and the "show" (as much as a show of fireworks can be at 730pm). The kids thought it was cool nonetheless. 

Ainsley's pick, the dancer
We celebrated Mom's birthday at our house on the 1st. The kids decorated her gift from Dad, we had family over, a delicious cake, and lots of love for our favorite Mom/Nanny. 

we had a performance from the ballerinas, monster truck, and millie moo
After the birthday celebration, Anna Beth stayed for her first sleep over! Philip put up a tent, got stuff for s'mores, and doughnuts for the morning. We ate s'mores on the back porch and told "camp fire" stories that they kids thought were cool, because they were the main characters. 

Ainsley and Parker have been getting along so much better. Parker has to know where sissy is at all times, and Ainsley has really started taking care of her little brother. 
We tried out the Beaumont Y pool and had fun! 
This picture will crack me up for years to come. Parker so proud of his accomplishment of peeing outside, and Ainsley very upset at the result of her trying to do the same. I can't say this wasn't me when I was little surrounded by all boys.  
On the actual 4th, we went to Gtown where we met Nanny, Pop, Crsytal, Emma and AJ for the parade downtown. We lasted maybe 10 minutes into the parade before we were all a sweaty mess and the kids wanted to leave. We opted to go crash Matt and Rachel's pool instead. 
Later that night we finished off the fireworks we had gotten (they were pretty piddly really). But we had fun and the kids enjoyed it. We were back on the road home well before dark and kids were asleep before fireworks started. 
Several months ago I got us tickets to Jurassic Quest. They were coming to Rupp Arena and I knew Parker would be in heaven. We got there around 4 and it was already a little crowded. The dinosaurs were very life like, they got to ride a dinosaur, play in bounce houses, dig for fossils, and pet a dinosaur. Ainsley was not a fan of the dinosaur that came around and touched you, but Parker wanted to keep touching it. We walked to Pies and Pints for dinner, making for a really fun summer night. 
Home Depot had another kids workshop, this time they made a fishing game. Ainsley was very into it and worked hard on her project. Parker, however, didn't want to build and only wanted to eat the cookies. 
Ainsley is getting so good at riding her bike! 
Parker wanted to wear his incredibles mask and gloves to get FroYo. 

Parker wanted an "iron man slushee" so we made that happen. 
Ainsley passed her swim test at the Y, moving up to the yellow band and therefore making her swimmy free. She could also go down the water slide and the water park! 
Rachel brought the girls over to play and we set up the pool in the back yard, got some Chik Fil A & popsicles, and they had a ball. 

We had the annual Wilhoite Family Reunion , where Ainsley and Emma won the kids division of the egg toss! never mind that they were the only kids participating. Ainsley is so proud of her spatula and has been carrying it around all night. 
Philip blew up some water balloons, turned on the sprinkler and we played in the back yard. 
I know Ive said this before but I am really loving this summer. Philip has been home a lot more than in summers past, the kids are much easier, and the thought of school looming in the future is making me wish it would never end!