
Monday, April 30, 2018

Birthday, Anniversary, and Kites!

After the Lexington kite fest being cancelled, Georgetown had their kite fest the next weeeknd and the weather was GORGEOUS! We met mom, Rachel and the girls, and Parker was over the moon at the bounce houses that were there. Ainsley tried her hand at flying Anna Beth’s new kite and Philip flew his version of a kite (his drone). 

The weather has finally turned to spring and we have spent as much time as we can outside soaking it up. 

We celebrated our 8 year anniversary on the 24th. This year was bronze so i got Philip a print made of some of our “memories” and framed it in a bronze frame. 

Brian and Lindsay hung out with the kids while we went out for dinner (Tony’s of course, Philip loves it!) 

We also celebrated Philip turning 35 last week! We had dinner at Brian and Lindsay’s with Joy on Friday night. The food was yummy southern food and we ended up with 3 delicious desserts, since the kids wanted to bake him a cake. They picked out the cake, icing and decorations all by themselves:) and they helped make it, even each cracking an egg. 

The day of Philips birthday the kids were so excited to give him the cards they had picked out (Parker picked a singing minions card, Ainsley a singing guitar card. Any card that didn’t sing Parker declared broken) 

That morning we got two new arcade games delivered and I’m not sure if Philip or Parker was happier. 

We had a wedding that night for two of our good friends (i set them up on their first date!), and mom and dad kept the kids for us. We had so much fun and were so thankful to have a quiet morning when we woke up:) 

Last week Ainsley also had a “Mother’s Tea” at school. Her teacher had warned me that when they were practicing the song for it, Ainsley got emotional and told Mrs Fardo “it makes me cry and i just don’t know why!”. But Ainsley was so excited about it and when she came in the room carrying flowers for me i have never seen her smile so big. Then they got up and sang a song about loving their mommies and Ainsley blinked back tears the whole time and it was the sweetest most special thing. (I have it on video for those wanting to see lol). 

Also Ainsleys answers were a big hit at her school. Apparently i like to lay down with my mommy drink and tell the kids to go play. 

The rest of the weekend was spent playing outside, going to a roller skating birthday party, and welcoming sunshine with the baby pool in the backyard. Ainsley did so good at attempting to roller skate. She laughed when she fell and really tried to find ways to get her balance. I was so proud of her attitude with it! 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Life Lately

KY weather is seriously crazy. Sunburns one day and wake up to snow the next. We spent the sunny days outside and the cold ones around the fireplace. 

(Ainsley took pictures for is at dinner one night). 

For GGs 87 birthday she wanted to go to Keeneland. It ended up being the perfect day for it. Ainsley got to pet some ponies, place a bet, and get serenaded by the trumpeter. GG also did as he played Happy birthday to her. Being the only kid that could come, she got a tad spoiled:)

We wanted to go to the annual kite fest but due to impending thunderstorms it got cancelled. Mom and I still took the kids to Jacobson Park and let them play, and we all had a blast. 

We also had some of Ainsleys school friends over for a play date . 

The kids had dentist appointments, and this was Parker’s first one. He was a total train wreck. He would not lay in the chair, would not open his mouth, screamed bloody murder, and required full on restraints to get a peek in his mouth. Luckily A was a rockstar. 

Also a rarity over here, Ainsley fell asleep on me while watching a movie. Her and Parker both slept until 530 that afternoon, because i didn’t have the heart (or patience) to wake either of them. 

We’re in the homestretch leading up to summer break. Ready for bathing suits and more lazy days!