
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

I am ecstatic! We decorated for Christmas this past weekend. We put our tree up, which Ainsley absolutely loved doing. And the bottom foot of the tree is very much ornament heavy and it makes me happy. Parker kept pulling the stockings down and trying to put them on his feet. And trying to throw the round ornaments. 

Philip and my brother hung our Christmas lights this year (what would we do without Bubby). 7 hours later, we had a lighted house just in time for dusk:) 

And we also had a sore, semi- injured husband. 

Our backyard connects with like 5 other back yards making a large open area around back. One of our neighbors decorated one of their trees in their back yard with lights, and my kids love looking at from the windows. So Philip decided he would let the kids pick out one inflatable to put up in the back. We took them to Lowe’s and Ainsley immediately wanted Mary and baby jesus ( i mean how do you argue with that?). It was the last one and the nice man climbed up and pulled it down from the display. We set it up and the kids are in love with it! 

We (read: Philip) also put up lights around our back porch. Not just for Christmas though I’m leaving these babies up year round! 

It isn’t even December 1 yet, and i only have a few gifts left to buy, am mailing out our cards tomorrow, and am ready to just enjoy the month ahead! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Thanksgiving week kicked off with festivities at the kids preschool. I had to be at BSF super early so Philip was in charge of getting the kids up and ready and to school. Parker had his thanksgiving feast where they made turkey hats. Ainsley has real pumpkin muffins at school and made a picture of the Mayflower. When asked what she was thankful for, Ainsley stated “people. And trees”. So there ya go. 

Wednesday Ainsley used her last coupon in her 2017 coupon book that Gramma Joy gives her and they went to the aquarium. 

While Ainsley was gone, things took an unexpected turn and I ended up spending the next 8 hours in the ER with my parents (who spent over 12 hours in the ER). My dad fell on the farm and cut his eye. He was transferred from gtown to UK where he ended up needing a specialized surgery to repair his eyelid and tear duct. After a few set backs and one incompetent resident, Daddy finally had surgery and got home about 3am. Aunt Ellen spent the last (and latest) leg at the hospital and played cards with mom during surgery. I begged Mom to postpone Thanksgiving dinner until Friday but her and Dad insisted and just pushed the time from 11 to 4:30. 

So we were a little tired but happy to be together. We had a wonderful meal full of delicious food and delightful company. And mom and dad both got a good nights rest. 

So this year we are especially thankful that Dads eye will heal. And that our God is a God who hears us when we cry out to Him. 

Now here are some pics of my cute kids bc i can’t think about dads poor eye anymore. 

Peace out thanksgiving, Christmas- come to Momma! 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Joys Surprise 60th

Lots of lying, sneaking and secrets have been going on the past several months for the Malpass/Overall family. We planned a surprise party weekend for Joy turning 60. Thanks to her boss who I probably bugged to death with her schedule, Joy ended up being scheduled off all weekend. 
Not only was the whole thing a surprise for Joy, but Aunt Melody coming in from CA was a surprise for everyone. 

Papa and Grandma were the first to get in on Thursday morning. Melody got in Thursday evening and I snuck away to pick her up. We showed up and she surprised everyone, bring lots of happy tears. 

Ted, Carol, Taylor and Deb all got in late Thursday night. They came by to say hi then went to their hotel to sleep. Friday morning we had breakfast at our house. We divided into boys and girls and ran some errands, had lunch and boys went shooting. 

That night we had planned a dinner with us Lexingtonians for Joys birthday. Joy thought we were meeting at Brian’s for a low key celebration. When she came in we were all hiding around the corner with party blowers and confetti. 

We had a yummy dinner of prime rib and then opened sweet gifts with some gag gifts thrown in. We came back to put the kids to bed and then played games that were not appropriate for those less than 21 or over 70. 

Having Aunt Melody stay with us was so wonderful. The kids loved having someone to play with and talk to. It took Parker a few days to warm up to her but by Monday he was all giggles for her. Philip and I enjoyed our one on one time with her. And she was always helping me in the kitchen and in ways i didn’t even notice until she left:) 

Saturday morning we ventured to the orchard in the crazy wind. We shared the place with one other family, and just missed being on the jump pad that the wind blew off the ground. 

We didn’t stay as long as we had planned at the orchard, due to the wind, so we decided to do lunch at Saul Good. Joy was serenaded, given 60% off her meal, and gifted chocolate popcorn! 

That night we cleaned up and went to Jean Ferris Winery for a nice dinner. They put us on the heated patio which was a little less stressful with the chaos of my children:) 

We were all stuffed and ready to be in sweat pants in front of the fire. We laid around telling stories and laughing. And eating chocolate:) 

Saying goodbye is always hard, as we don’t get to see them nearly as often as we would like. But we loved having everyone here to celebrate Joy. We loved having our home open all weekend and getting to spend time with people we love so much. Thank you to everyone who helped make this weekend such a special one! 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

So long naps- you will be missed

I can officially say that nap time is over for Ainsley. She’d been going a few days without one, then taking one, but for the past several months she has not been taking naps. And i have been in mourning. Like serious denial kind of mourning. 

But, she made it four and a half years, rocking nap time like a champ. So I’m not complaining. I’m just sad about it. I’m sad because it means she’s growing up. I’m sad because i liked two hours to myself while both kids were sleeping. I’m sad because i worked hard to get them to nap at the same time. But, its time. 

We are still working through what it looks like for her during nap time. She usually “rests” aka plays with her animals in her room for an hour or so. Some days she lays in front of the fire with me reading. Some days she gets to go do something fun with nanny or gramma. Some days i tell her i don’t care what she does in her room but not to open the door until i come get her. 

Thanks for giving us 4.5 good years, naps. They were great and you will be missed. 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Life Lately

some pics of happenings lately, captions underneath
Parker had the firetruck visit his class. He apparently just took it all in, but every time we go to the front of his school, he asks for the firetruck. 
Doctor Ainsley fixing Mommy and Daddy up 
a rare warm day! 
making pancakes with a lotttt of sprinkles 
Uncle Steve helps me wrangle my kids at church 
no caption needed
we took a "nature walk". Ainsley made a "list" of things she wanted to find and was able to check each item off her list. Parker wanted to wear his bucket on his head. Nanny was able to surprise the kids by coming up at the last minute. 

Ainsley's teacher sent me this telling me she just rocked out writing "S" in her name.

Parker did not want his picture taken with me, he wanted to pick berries. Sweet A wanted to hold my hand. 
The leaves are beautiful here right now and we are enjoying the cool weather. Ainsley and I are anxiously waiting to put up our Christmas tree. But also looking forward to Thanksgiving:)