
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Fast Cars and Sunshine

Last weekend was Fathers Day weekend and since Philip was racing we decided to go watch. He was at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, which is a 2.5 hour drive. I knew I couldn't do that by myself with the kids so I asked my Dad to come with me. My mom decided to come too so we made a road trip out of it! I couldn't have done it without them. 
Philips team won their race on Saturday and he won a trophy which he is very proud of. 
I set up his Fathers Day gifts in his trailer (homemade cards and a salami bouquet- he loved it!) 
On Sunday we went to Matt & Rachels for a cookout. The food was delicious and the kids had a blast. 

Ainsley is still liking dance class although I think she would prefer to twirl around the house in her outfits all day instead.  (I got an outfit that covered her butt cheeks)
She also took a day camp at the Y this week and she used the words "I love it!" Which she never does. They did crafts, activities and the splash pad (I could see her one morning from the window of my exercise room so of course I snapped some pics) 
It's been good having some time alone with Parker which we both enjoyed. We got him a new baby pool and he was happy as a clam! 
Here are some more pics from our week: 
Parker is saying more words every day and his personality is really shining through. His favorite thing in the world is balls, and he has a pretty good arm! 
Ainsley has declared she is going to stay 4 forever which we told her is fine with us. She is still loving all things princess and girly. 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Camping, Dancing

Monday night we had our first Wilhoite cousin camping trip! My cousin Tiffany and her kids are visiting from GA and Matt and my dad put together such a fun night of camping way back on the Wilhoite farm. We all went back for a bonfire and roasted hot dogs; had dinner and hiked around. Parker (we deemed him Pig Pen) was filthy and so happy. Then when it was Millie and Parker's bedtime, all of the "big girls" left and Matt, Philip, JC and Dad were left to camp with the 6 kids. Ainsley kept getting off her cot to check on her glowsticks that Philip made her leave outside the tent.   And Anna Beth slept in the tent with Makayla, Tyndall and Emma (I still can't believe this). Matt said Ainsley was the kid that wouldn't stop talking lol 
In true Matt fashion, at 6am on the dot, he flung open his truck doors and played trumpets blaring. Ainsley slept through the entire thing and no one could believe it. Ainsley had a great time and has been taking about it nonstop. It makes me so happy she is making memories, with her cousins, on the farm, the same way I did when I was her age. I wish my Grandma could see it, it would make her so happy. 
camping in the playroom!  

Thursday night, Ainsley started "preschool dance" class. She has been asking to take ballet and I was hoping she would change her mind but she was insistent. This class is ballet for the first half and tap for the second. I have to admit she looked so cute, even with her butt cheeks hanging out (she wouldn't wear tights). She seemed to really enjoy it. Whitney has convinced me ballet is a good thing for her :) Regardless, I will always be on the sidelines taking pictures, videos and blowing kisses back. 
Yay summertime!!! 
girls night!  

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Life Lately

We are in full summer mode! Ainsley is actually sleeping in (usually past 8!) these days. Parker is begging to take an afternoon nap (no problem buddy!), and I am actually reading some books and relaxing:) 
Vacation seemed to be really good for Ainsley and Parker's relationship. She's stepped into the "big sister" role (finally). She wants to help put him to bed, sing him a song and give him his blanky. She calls him "sweet boy" and has just been much kinder to him. 
We have been hitting up the neighborhood pool, having play dates with friends, and hanging out with family. Philip and I were pleasnetly surprised how much easier the pool was this year. Last year Parker was learning to walk and we had to pretty much hold on to him the whole time. 
 Parker also had another visit to the Overall dining room table, securing himself another set of stitches. He is definitely challenging our parenting and we are learning that parenting him looks different from how we parent A.