
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Summer's Here !

Can't believe it's already summertime! The end of the "school year" is always a little hectic. (I can only imagine what it will look like in 4 years). So my blogging has been lacking. 

Wrapping up the year of BSF is so rewarding, emotional, and thought provoking. My first year in leadership has been so much of a blessing in my life. The Lord equipped me in ways i wasn't sure were possible. He taught me so much through His word and fellowship with other Christian women. I am so grateful for this organization and how it seeks to do nothing but spread Truth. 
Philip got me this necklace for Mother's Day. Jesus' final words on the cross took on a whole new meaning to me this year. 
 Ainsley finished her second year of preschool. She kept up tradition and didn't sing a word in her concert. Being on stage is definitely not her thing. But she has learned a lot this year and made lots of new friends. Her and Liam were still best buds all year but she has added Lola and Jackson to her list of school best friends:) 
       She also finished her second season of soccer (hallalujah). She told us she didn't want to play but we honestly thought once she started she would enjoy it. Not the case. She hates being sweaty, didn't like to take the ball from people, and preferred to sit on the bench drinking her ice water. Oy. BUT in the last 2 minutes of her final game, she stepped it up, had a breakaway and kicked the ball for half the field, took a shot and almost made it in! I was screaming and jumping like a mad woman. I really wanted her to get to score a goal. But she seemed ok with being the only one on the team that didn't get to score this season. 
Our first 2 weeks of summer we have had Ainsley's cousins Anna Beth & Amelia for a play date, gone to the children's garden, the Orchard with Nanny & Pop, had Liam over, had several cookouts with Philip's family, gone to dinner with Aunt Ellen, been on countless walks and spent most of our days in the backyard:) 
Summer time is always a breath of fresh air. All the running around comes to a halt and you get time to just relax, be outside and just BE. 
Happy Summer Everyone!