
Monday, September 5, 2016

Life Lately

am very pro-vaccinations. As two medical people, we learned about the benefits and research behind them, and agree with them 100%. That being said, shots are also straight from the devil himself. They turn a happy baby into a fussy puny baby. They start fevers. They make for long nights. And parkers 12 month shots were no exception. He started running a fever of 103-103.5 24-hours after he was injected. He ran a fever for almost 3 days, to the point we were at a loss and took him in to the doctor. Turns out he had a nasty ear infection - again. We had a long week! Many thanks to family who chipped in and helped us with him last week!! 
It was the most pitiful I have ever seen him. He is all better now though and back to his happy self:) 
We also celebrated my 34th birthday! It was the most laid back birthday I think I have had- and it was wonderful. Philip and the kids spoiled me as usual. We went to the park and hung out at home. I got to go the mall, alone, and shop. That night we went and got Mexican and enjoyed a family dinner. 
Sunday night we had my annual cookout at mom and dads. With our traditional birthday hot dogs, homemade ice cream, and games of mafia. 
Preschool and BSF are starting back this week, so summer will officially be over for our family. It was a great summer, but these last few weeks we have all gotten a little stir crazy. Maybe the boot I am having to wear is contributing?!! That's what I get for exercising- a stress fracture. 
And then we did this Saturday
Parker would not come to me out of his crib in the morning. And kept giving me the stink eye over his bottle. It took him over an hour to even smile at me that morning. sweet boy. 

Today we are celebrating Labor Day by hanging at the pool and grilling out:)