
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

10 months

This sweet, joyful, wild&crazy little man has been on this earth 10 whole months. It's so hard to believe yet it is also hard to imagine our family without his infectious smile and giggle. 
height/weight: he didn't have a check up this month so I'm not sure exactly how much he weighs, but I feel like he is packing on the pounds in the most adorable way possible. 

size: he is in size 4 daytime and night time diapers. he is in all 12 month clothes. 
eating: this has been his "big boy transition" month for him. he has had pretty much all he can have at this point (no dairy yet!). he had eggs, steak, chicken, fish, rice, bites of almost all fruits, bread, I lost track of all of his new foods. He wakes up and takes 7-8 oz bottle and then has cereal, he has a fruit medley for lunch, an 8 oz bottle before nap, a bottle after nap, and puree veggies (plus baby bites of whatever we are having) for dinner, and 8 oz before bed. So far the only thing he doesn't like is cut up bananas and quinoa. boy loves some food! 
sleeping: hallalujah ! Parker is finally sleeping through the night. 10 months later and he has finally figured out how to find one of his five packs in his crib and put himself back to sleep. (i also started exercising this month- coincidence? I think not. yay for sleep) He wakes up 630-715 but I leave him in his crib until at least 7am. He is so happy when I go up to get him:) he still takes a little morning nap sometimes 9-10, for 20-45 minutes usually. Then after I give him his bottle around 1245 he passes out for his afternoon nap. this gives me 30-45 minutes of alone time with Ainsley where we read and play (thank goodness she still naps too!). So they both sleep until 330-4ish, and I recharge for the second half:) 
new things: 
this has been his biggest month for "milestones". he is a crawling jackrabbit who can move across the room faster than I can turn around. 
he says "da-da" and is starting to say "ba ba" 
he can clap his hands together 
he signs "more" but I'm not convinced it's intentional yet 
he cruises all around the house and can stand on his own, but when he tried to take a step his head usually pulls his body down, causing bruises that make me cringe 
he can climb steps on his own (with pop behind him cheering him on!) 
he still only had two teeth 
He sort of skipped the sippy cup and loves drinking from a straw 
his hair is really blonde and has a slight curl to it :) 
he is a huge momma's boy 
he loves to FaceTime Nanny & Pop 
he hears the bath water and takes off sprint-crawling to bath and nearly breaks his neck trying to get in 
he loves being chased around the house 
he loves to "go flying" with daddy 
Sissy is slowly warming up to him- she has a LONG way to go, but is taking baby steps towards being nice to her little brother:) 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Fathers Day

I love celebrating the great Dads in my life. My dad is really amazing and definitely one of a kind. And my husband is one of the most patient and loving dads I know. I am a lucky woman (as are my kids!) 
This year we celebrated the day by waking Philip up with muffins in bed on a new grill plate the kids made him (thanks to extra hands from Nanny).
We went to church and then headed to the pool until nap time. 

That night we went to Matt and Rachels for dinner (we actually made it this year!) I was in charge of dessert. Here is what I was trying to make and then how it came out. 
So I took a graters ice cream cake:) 
We enlisted Rachel the artist to be in charge of Pops gift. It turned out great:) 
The girls (and dads) played in the pool and dinner was delicious! 
It was a perfect day :) 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Our Weekend

We all know how much I love quality time- and quality family time is one of my most favorite things in this world:) this weekend was filled with lots of it for us! 
Friday morning we took the kids to the pool and enjoyed the sun and water. Ainsley is getting braver and braver at jumping in by herself and is quite adamant she can do it all by herself. Parker is starting to get used to the water and even enjoyed it some this time! 
That night our church held a carnival in their parking lot. They had tons of inflatables, pizza, and shaved ice (Ainsley maybe had three). A had the time of her life and was so sad to leave. Parker even got to play in water buckets set up for the little ones, which he was thrilled about. 
she acts like she loved this, but refused to actually get inside it
Saturday morning we trekked to the KY railroad depot for "a day out with Thomas the Train". For all the hype surrounding this event, Philip and I were a little disappointed in the whole thing. But Ainsley said she had fun and Parker really did enjoy looking out the window. So we checked it off our bucket list. 
That night we went to our friends , the Stearleys for a cook out. Another family we are friends with is moving away so we wanted to have a little goodbye party for them. There were kids everywhere so no pics were taken:/ 
Sunday at church, Ainsley moved up to the 3 year old room. She said she loved it. Parker went to the nursery for the second time and emerged with a busted eye. Poor kid is just not as steady on his feet as he thinks he is. 
That afternoon mom, auntie Jo, aunt Annie, Reagan, Riley, Emma and I all participated in a 5K at keeneland to support a friend of ours who was hit by a train 10 years ago and survived. She was there with her two little boys and husband. God is so good. 
Parker got to go on a walk with Daddy 
And we ended the night setting up one of our tents and playing camping.
 (No she won't sleep in there- it's too risky and sleep is too precious right now:) )

Winter has always been my favorite season but after having kids, summer has moved to number one. and I know the older they get the better summertimes will be.