
Sunday, January 31, 2016

ainsley turns 3

I can't even wrap my head around the fact that my sweet girl is three years old. just typing those words brings tears to my eyes. Everyone tells you 'it goes so fast' and you just want to roll your eyes you hear it so much. But seriously- three years- I can't handle it. 
3 year old stats
Height: 37 1/2 inches (54%)
Weight: 28.4 lbs (25%) 
A little bit about our favorite girl: her favorite things are her stuffed animals. She hugs them, talks to them, talks FOR them, puts them to bed, and just carries them around all day long. 
She still sleeps with her hippo and blanky at night, in her crib, but that is changing tomorrow as she has climbed out of her crib the past two nights. it's like she said 'I'm 3, it's time to start crawling out of this thing'. We're honestly surprised it's taken her this long to start climbing out. 
She loves to play with my hair before she goes to bed at night and always asks to 'take my pony out' so she can run her fingers through my hair. She goes to bed around 830 and wakes up around 7-730. She still naps 2-3 hours in the afternoon. 
Her favorite foods are mac-n-cheese, popcorn shrimp, steak, pasta, fruit, ice cream and popsicles. She loves pink lemonade and sour candies. 
She has caused my heart to love in ways I never knew possible. This little girl made me a momma. She made us into a family and brings so much joy and love into this world with her infectious smile and laugh. 
She has the most genuine and sweet heart. Don't get me wrong she can throw some tantrums and be so stubborn but her heart is so tender and genuine. I catch her holding her stuffed animals' hands, eyes closed, and saying a prayer and my heart could literally burst. 

Sometimes the amount of love I have for her overwhelms me and takes my breath away. Sometimes the urge to crawl into her crib with her is so great I just go watch her sleep. Sometimes I squeeze her so tight until she tells me she can't breathe. 
And yes, sometimes there are days full of times outs and talking-tos. There are times when I hand her her tablet so I can have 10 minutes to get something done. There are nights when I apologize to her for the things I said or ways I acted. And nights I make her apologize for the things she said or ways she's acted. we're human. But we always end the night with our prayers, thanking God for so many people and things she can think of (blue suckers, blanky, eyes, snowballs, etc). 
BUT- the good days far outnumber the bad. and the years have gone by way too fast. 

Being Ainsley's mom is by far my most favorite job I will ever have. We are so thankful God blessed us with this energetic, funny, smart, lovable, giggling, sweet, crazy little girl. 
We love you so much. 
{family hug} 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Snowmageddon part 2

It didn't snow any more but we did make it out to play in it! 
We ventured out to our friends Ryan and Kim's house for dinner and to play in the snow with them on Saturday (love having them live so close!) 
We went through unplowed neighborhoods to get there and Philip taught Ainsley how to slide and "drift". When I took the kids to church on Sunday Ainsely kept saying "drift mommy drift!" I told her Mommy isn't as fun as Daddy and she just drives:) 
Parker went into the snow for the first time... At first he was ok and about 2.5 seconds later he decided he hated it. 
Meanwhile his sister is enjoying falling face first in the snow and eating as much as she get from her little gloved hand to her mouth:) These two kids are already so different. 
oh hey this is fun
oh wait its cold get me out! 
I finally made snow cream :)
getting every last sprinkle:) 

Our last "snow day" we went to nanny pops house for the morning:) Ainsley got to ride on the 4wheeler, play at the shed and eat snow cream:) 
Forecast shows rain and warmer weather this week so we will say goodbye to this snow:( but so thankful for one good snow this winter- we definitely loved it! 

"God thunders marvelously with His voice;

    He does great things that we cannot comprehend.
For He says to the snow, ‘Come on the earth,’
    likewise to the gentle rain and to the heavy rain of His strength.
He seals up the hand of every man,
    that all men may know His work.
Then the beasts go into dens
    and remain in their places.
Out of the south comes the whirlwind,
    and cold out of the north.
By the breath of God frost is given,
    and the broad waters are frozen.
Also He loads the thick clouds with moisture;
    He scatters His bright clouds,
and they are turned about by His guidance,
    that they may do whatever He commands them
    upon the face of the inhabited earth.
He causes it to come, whether for correction,
    or for His land or for mercy."
Job 37:5-13

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snowmageddon 2016

It finally snowed big! And by big I mean 10-12 inches. It started Friday morning and didn't stop until Saturday morning. It was a beautiful falling snow that literally just covered the world in a white blanket. 
There is something magical about being sealed inside your house as the snow just falls and falls. We definitely got out and played in it- but that was while we had a small window of Parker napping and Philip still home:) Philip had to work Friday night and quickly realized if he didn't get to Morehead in the morning he might not make it later. So he left at 1030am and napped in Morehead before his shift at 7pm. 

The kids and I had a relaxing snow day full of lots of Hungry Hippo, puzzles, naps, tattoos,Polar Express, painting,  picnics and snow balls:) 

Sweet Parker only got one pic taken- but he has loved watching his sister run around the house crazy:) 
And Philip made it home safely:):)