
Wednesday, December 30, 2015


As you all know Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Most years I go into a post-Christmas depression once it's all over. But this year the depression has evaded me:) we had one of the best Christmases we have had in a long time. 
We decided this year to try and slow down a bit and not cram so much into 2 days. We have lots of families to celebrate with and sometimes it just gets too crazy to really enjoy it all. 

We started our celebrations at GGs on Saturday night. We all brought appetizers and enjoyed a fun night of yummy food and time with the Buddes. Erika (dale) got the kids cute gifts and the girls all had so much fun playing together. 
Sunday night we went to Joys and had Christmas at her house. It was Lindsay's first "Overall Christmas" and I think she enjoyed it:) Ainsley (and Parker too!) got spoiled rotten. Ok actually we all did:) 
Christmas Eve morning the kids and I went to Aunt Annie's annual brunch (yum). That evening we had Dana and Kelley over to celebrate with them. Ainsley got her "big gift" from uncle Bri and it was a hit:) we then attended our church's service that night and were so happy to have Dana and Kelley go with us. 

That morning Ainsley woke up to find that Santa had come! She walked down the stairs peering into the living room at the full stockings and toys that had been left for her. And Santa ate her cookies and Rudolph ate her carrots! (Santa left her a bite which she readily asked if she could eat). 
We spent the morning playing with presents, making breakfast and just hanging out. Ainsley's princess karaoke machine seemed to be the most favored gift for her. Parker enjoyed anything we got him that he could chew on:) 
By far the best present (maybe of my lifetime) was my gift from Ainsley. Philip took her to the dollar store and let her pick out whatever she wanted for mommy for Christmas. She picked out the bag to put the gifts in and even paid for the gifts herself. And since she had money left over, her and Philip bought the man behind them in line purchases' too. 
so much happiness in this pic. the best being the spanish moss and white rocks. *not pictured: orange cup and blue bucket 
That night we went to my parents and had a wonderful dinner (we grilled steaks because it was like 60 degrees!). Aunt Ellen, GG, and Auntie Jo came back to celebrate as well. It was so much fun and a perfect end to a great day. 
Saturday we had our white elephant gift exchange at Auntie Jos. I came home with a silver purse and Philip came home with lottery tickets (he won the pickle prize). I think we left behind his actual gift he won. Sorry Auntie Jo;) 
Sunday we had our annual MudBowl game. This year was year 23 and Parker's first year in attendance.  And it was a serious mudbowl. A huge puddle was in the center of the yard and it rained almost the entire game. Me and the kids were spectators this year - well until nap time. Then Parker took a nap in a closet and Ainsley went home with nanny:) 
Daddy won MVP! 

Last night Philip and I were talking and we agreed this Christmas was everything we wanted it to be. Of course it's easy to say that when he got off work dec 24-30;) we are so thankful for the amazing families that we have. And we are just full of gratitude for the two children we got to spend the holiday with. Now if it would just snow all would be right with the world:) 

Here are some more fun pics of our Christmas time!: 
making dog bones
making Rice Krispy gingerbread houses with Anna Beth 
special "Christmas" ice cream 
playing with her new Art box and smock from Gramma Joy 
"moose- kaush" 
GG bought us all UK pjs. Mom made the babies matching ones:)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas spent with family and time to celebrate the birth of our Savior. 
Merry Christmas from the Overalls :) 

Monday, December 21, 2015

4 months

Oh my goodness I just can not believe it has been 4 months since sweet Parker entered this world. What's really crazy is last Christmas I was pregnant and we hadn't told everyone yet:) 
height/weight: these are 2 weeks late due to holidays- but here they are! 
weight:16lbs (61%)
length:26.5in (87%)
OFC: 43cm (59%)
nicknames: sweet boy, lil rascal, parker doodle, lil buddy 
physical: his eyes are still blue. Ainsley looks at them and says "blue just like mine are blue!" 
he has a little mullet in the back where he has a lost a ring of hair in the middle. 
he is drooling a lot and chewing on everything. 
size: he is in size 2 pampers. wearing 3-6 month and some 6 month. 
eating: like his sister, he is just sort of finicky. He gets distracted pretty easily. Generally, he takes 4.5-5 oz every 3 hours during the day. his last bottle of the night is at 830 and his first bottle is at 7am. 
sleeping: uggghhhh. we thought we lucked out (again) in this category. but he is just not following suit;) the past 2 weeks he has been waking up 4-5 times a night. not really hungry just wanting his paci. So i pop his paci back in, he falls back asleep until he wakes back up wanting his paci. I have done a lot of reading on "four month sleep regression" and it fits his behavior to a T. 
Since he was sleeping so awful last night we attempted his crib for the first time. he was up 3 times before 1045 and we gave up and put him back in the rock n play. I also had to start swaddling him with his arms out because he rolls everywhere. Sooo, praying this next month goes better in the sleeping department. for all of us. 
the big one this month: he started rolling! at first he just sort of flopped from back to stomach. then several days later he smoothly would flip. now he goes from back to stomach to back. 
he has also discovered his feet:) he grabs them and looks at them and thinks they are funny. 
he is starting to babble and just talks and talks. 
he smiles a lot. and his smile is the best- it takes up his whole face. 
he laughs a lot, especially if you are laughing. 
he can take his paci out and put it back in (only if it doesn't leave his hand) 
first roll