
Thursday, June 27, 2013

pinterest food

Philip has been putting his new father's day grill to good use. 
no, amazing use. 
A few weeks ago my friend alison told me about a delivery system they use called "green bean delivery". every week, or every other week, a truck delivers a bin of fresh, locally grown, (mostly) organic produce to your door. You get an email a week before of what is in your bin that week. you can add or remove whatever you want until the produce totals your set amount. Then the green bean truck comes over, drops off your green bin, and you get the yummiest fruits and veggies ever. And in 2 weeks, you set the bin out, they pick up and replace with your new stuff!! I figure it is a great way to a)eat healthy b)support local farmers c)order produce to make Ainsley's baby food d) save some $$. 

The first time the van came, we happened to be outside when it came down our street and i was like a little kid with the book mobile! (wait, was that just us country folk who had that?!) 
my first delivery! 
most of the fruit went pretty quick (us liking the raspberries the best). we grilled the corn and I have been using the lettuce for sandwiches. We got 2 zucchinis so I searched recipes on pinterest and found this amazing recipe
and it turned out delicious. i highly recommend. 

I also found this pinterest recipe. Philip liked these mushrooms better than the zucchini, but the zucchini was my favorite. it was a little sweeter, leading to why I liked best and he didn't:) 
ok so maybe they don't look great here, but they really were. 
As an appetizer (ok and maybe dessert) Philip made Bellini's! 
Ainsley got oatmeal cereal:)

We ended the night with play time and snuggles
Have a good weekend!!! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I love summer. I mean, if I had to pick a favorite season, it would be winter. but summer is a very close second. for us, summer means grilling out (a lot), sitting outside at night, playing at the pool, long walks, and fruit. lots of yummy fruit. 
Ainsley has taken to the pool and is really enjoying being in the water.
hanging with kimmy
and of course she loves to nap at the pool. I mean, who doesn't:)
just woke up haha
For some reason we had never gone to our pool in the evening. We have been enjoying it 'after hours' and its better for ainsley then too when the sun isnt blazing. 

Nothing too exciting around here. I am working 1-2 days a week and staying home with Ainsley. each job has it's different challenges and rewards:) it's crazy how much I miss her when I am gone for 12 hours though. 

The transition out of the swaddle went well and a is now sleeping in her swaddle sleep sack. she still wakes up a lot when she flips on her stomach and can't get back to her back (we are working on that). but she is a rolling machine. still only to the left though :) 

Philip has been working on getting his new car 'track ready'. He is taking it to Putnam Park at the end of July. we haven't decided if we are making the trek with him or not. 

Hope everyone is getting to enjoy the sunshine and summer time! 
how she sleeps now, on her side gripping her starfish

jazz at the park with her buddies

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day and a Roller

Ladies and gentleman, we have a roller. 
Saturday night, June 15, I laid Ainsley down on her blanket while I went to get her bottle. I came back and she was on her belly! 
She has gone from her belly to back several times, but never from her back to belly. I can't believe I missed it! but she has more than made up for me missing it since then. she rolls all the time. I thought she would never be able to roll over in her swaddle, and sure enough that next morning at 530 she is grunting and making all kinds of racket. I look at the monitor, and she is trying her hardest to roll over. and was almost there! 
So, needless to say, goodbye swaddle. or at least full swaddle. we are now swaddling with arms out:) Last night when I put her to bed she was flailing her arms around like 'what do i do with these at bedtime?!'. she fell asleep with her arms straight out in a 'T'. she woke up twice but I was able to sneak in, give her her paci and she went right back to sleep :)
clearly, she is feeling much much better. she is back to her normal happy, chatty self:) 

That Friday night we had a bonfire at Uncle Rick and Aunt Annie's. very lowkey and so so fun. we missed having philip there:( but we did get to meet someone who seems to be having quite the effect on my cousin doug (and we all loved her!) 

Philip had to work the entire weekend of his first father's day weekend:( which is the perfect example of how hard he works and the sacrifices he makes for our family. We are so blessed to have someone as amazing as him take care of us and love us the way that he does. He is the most amazing dad to Ainsley and seeing him with her makes me love him more than I thought was possible. 
We tried to make his first father's day special in the little time we had to do it:)
His fav breakfast
Ainsley helped wrapped his present:)
That afternoon I went to gtown to see my dad. I am the biggest Daddy's girl ever, so I wont get into how amazing my dad is. because anyone who has ever met him already knows what a selfless, caring and humble man that he is. He is my hero and I look up to him in more way than he will ever know. 

that night we had dinner at Matt and Rachel's. The food and company were both wonderful! 
notice the shirt;) and the intensity on her face

Here are some random pics of the cutest baby ever. 
with her brother
hanging out while we grill in the best high chair ever
my brother said she's thinking "you're going to put this in your blog aren't you"
grumpy pants at the pool. best pic I got in her cute suit! 
big girl eating her oatmeal cereal!
hanging out with her friend Harper
"look at me in Harper's chair!"

Monday, June 10, 2013


This past Sunday, our church had their baby dedication service. 
It was a service where the parents commit to raising their child in a Christian home and manner. We prayed for her little feet, hands, heart and mind. It was a really nice service. but a little chaotic with kids and babies all over the place;) But it meant so much to us to have our family come and support us and Ainsley. Thank you all for loving our child. 
please excuse the flabbiness that are my arms 
Grandma hates paci pics, but it could not be helped :)

 Rewind the day a few hours before the dedication. We ended up taking Ainsley into the doctor and got her tested for strep. She has a reddened throat with blisters. it's called viral stomatitis. no antibiotics since it is a virus, so we are just giving tylenol. But it is nice to have an answer as to why she hasn't been eating all week. She must have picked up the virus from the Dr office when she was there for shots monday. with the timing, I had been assuming it was shot-related. she lost 5 ounces which made my hurt physically hurt.  Hoping her little throat starts feeling better soon:( 

That night some of Philip's family from Michigan came in. We had a yummy dinner at joy's with papa, grandma and danielle. They got to meet Ainsley and she loved her great grandparents and aunt danielle:)
hi papa
Praying for a speedy recovery for our sweet little girl. she has been quite puny all week :/