
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Secret's Out! like my belly.

Yes, my belly is growing. So is our family. In February we will going from a family of 2 to a family of 3:)
Philip and I are expecting a little baby!!!

We are so so excited and feel so blessed that God has chosen us to be the parents of this little 'bean' growing in my belly. It has been one of the most awesome/unique/sick times of my life. We are over the moon excited. It has been hard for me to be super excited up to this point, because I have been so overwhelmingly sick. BUT, I know the sickness won't last forever and that it just means my body is adjusting and taking care of the baby. So the first trimester for me was about surviving. and in 3 more days- i will have done just that; survived the first trimester!!! :) (only with the help of my wonderful husband and amazing mom. and lots of prayers!)

As of today, we are 12 weeks 4 days along. Baby is as big as a peach (3 in long). Which is crazy because I remember when it was as big as a poppy seed. Somehow I have a small little 'pooch' even though I am still down from pre-pregnancy weight. We are due Feb 8. We have seen the baby twice now through ultrasound at our OB.  
Baby Overall's first pic:)
 We found out we were pregnant on May 31. We saw the baby for the first time on July 2 and again on July 9. I will never forget Philip's face when he saw our little heart beat.  

   We haven't gotten to personally tell everyone we want to, but I wanted to start blogging about it so family and friends could stay up to date. I know it seems weird but i'm still not ready to make the official 'facebook announcement' or have it posted about on FB. I could go more into detail about why, but ill spare you :)
11 weeks 4 days:)
 I have many stories to tell about pregnancy (the good, bad,ugly,pretty) but I will save them for separate posts. 

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there."

1 Samuel 1:27-28

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up. I'm back!

Hi, remember me? I seemed to have neglected my blog, yet again. but today starts my return! 

This weekend started mine and Philip's stretch of 2 weeks off together. We are getting used to being home at the same times and enjoying each other in a normal environment. I am loving it:)

Saturday was the Wilhoite Family Reunion! We had a good time and luckily the weather held off for us to enjoy eating, playing games and laughing. 
matt and rachel thought it started at 1 instead of noon... sorry you missed pic!

even emma wore her name tag
 Sunday we spent the day at Lake Herrington with our Life Group (minus meg and brian:( ). at 930 am the weather was looking not-so-hot but they trusted my instincts and we went on with the day. i am now nicknamed Amanda Meck the weather predicter, because the day turned out BEAUTIFUL! We packed snacks, sandwiches, drinks and had a lovely, relaxing day. We floated in rafts, the boys played ball, and we maybe got too much sun. We didn't end up leaving the water until after 5 and had to drag Nick B off the back of the boat even then. 
jordan, baby avery, ali and me:)
Philip, Nick D, Nick B
Hope everyone had a happy weekend!!! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beatin the Heat

It has been HOTT this week. Over 100 degrees and just sweltering. 
I have been leaving jackson in the house this week when I leave, because the one time I put him out, he laid on the cold tile for 2 hours after I got home. poor little guy.
Philip and I got up today and debated going to the pool. we decided unless we were on rafts the entire time, it would be just too hot. 
So we decided to get Jackson a baby pool.
after 3 stores we found one at Toys-R-Us

He loves it! Philip thought we should try to put Maya in it and see if she loved it too. ;)