
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lake Barkley

Last Saturday we took off for our annual Wilhoite Family Vacation! 

It was a short trip for us this year because Philip had to get back to work, as did Matt, and AJ was heading to FL the last half of the week.  so our 'house' made it a short week and all came back together early. But the few days that we were there were such a good time! 

Mom found us an awesome house that overlooked the lake. It had a spacious screened in porch and a living room for all of us to fit in. it was what we like to call a 'steal'. :) Too bad no one in the family knows the meaning of sleeping in. even my brother was getting up at the crack of dawn, which I was most disappointed in. ;)

We rented a pontoon sunday and monday. We only had one jet ski this year (don't ask) but it worked out great for us :) 

We left just before the temperatures got over 100 degrees. which is funny because the reason we quit going to Hilton Head was because it was just too hot there. So we started going a little closer, to the lake. I think that no matter where we go, we bring the heat. 
how we stayed cool

Emma did great on her first vacation, but I think by the end of the week it was almost too hot for her to get outside. 

I was sad that the vacation wasn't a full week, but happy that it means Philip is now done with his residency and he has all of July to relax and be home (minus one week he is going to FL). I can't wait to be a normal couple this month!! :)

Friday, June 22, 2012


I have neglected my blog. My # 1 reader (Aunt Ellen) has been telling me to 'please blog!' for weeks! 

Last night was Philip's graduation ceremony. Every year, the UK emergency department has a nice dinner and ceremony at Spindletop for the graduating residents. All the residents, attending, faculty and spouses come to eat, drink and watch the presentations. 

It was a really nice ceremony where the program director, Dr Bowers, put together a slide show on each graduate. Thanks to Philip's mom, she had several funny stories to share with everyone about Philip growing up:) 

I am also the very proud wife of the 'Resident of the Year'. Philip has worked so hard the past 3 years and worked the hardest this last year as administrative chief. I have watched the countless hours and hard work he has put in to his role. I am very proud of him and the doctor that he has become:) 
It seems like just yesterday I was sending him out the door with a kiss to his first shift as an intern :)  
After the ceremony, there is a traditional 'roast' at a chosen bar. all of the residents roast the attendings and then the interns and second years roast the third years. they spend weeks dressing up like each other and taping around the department. making fun of them for things they did during residency. it's always very entertaining. and last night was no exception. ( I was a little nervous I would get drug into Philip's roast since I work with all of these people, but I threatened their lives and luckily they listened to me). They did however order a Justin Bieber wig to play Philip and it was scary how much it looked like him!
Philip has 2 shifts left and then he is done at UK. Morehead has given him the month of July off to recuperate (so nice-- who does that?!). He will start his first 'big boy' job in August at St Claire. 
I am so excited for this new chapter of his life to start. But selfishly I am sad we will never work together again. It is nice to be in the same work place, where you can just walk over and find each other to talk or vent. I will miss that a lot. but mostly, I am excited for him :)